As I'm writing this, my new kitten, who I've had for a week, is doing his best toclimb onto my shoulder to sleep. He's a good cat, if not a trifle bit annoying. He's gotten better, but still seems to operate under the assumption that, if I leave the apartment, I might never be coming back! The result though, is not him being overly affectionate when I return; oh, no, not Scourge.
Instead, I get the feline equivlent of being bitched out, every time I come back

*side note: He just got the cursor moving on my computer, and is trying to swipe at it*
In other news, things seem to have fallen apart with that girl I was seeing the other week. Its not a huge deal; she told me she just wasn't ready for a relationship. I'm not sure if thats the exact truth or not, 'though I'm willing to believe it is actually, judging from the way she was responding to me most of the time. It kind of sucks, but oh well
Unfortunately, another girl that I was interested in (a friend of a friend who I met two weeks ago) is also not interested. It would seem that she too has just gotten out of a rough relationship and has no real desire to date. Actually, I'll be honest with you, I was a bit more dissapointed about this, than the first girl.
I have it on good authority that there are tons of single girls in this town, which is all well and good, but apparently I'm not in the right position to meet them yet. Hopefully that will rectify itself once I start school in a few weeks, and actually manage to get a job. My social life is still pretty much in its beginning stages here, after all.
I will admit that I'm getting a bit frustrated, however. I had really hoped that, coming back from Alaska, and then moving to a new town, everything would have improved in leaps and bounds for me. And, in a way, it has; even with the recent set backs, I'm still a hell of a lot more confident around women than I used to be. But, there are still enough hints of my old luck coming through, as to worry me a bit.
It reminds me a bit of when I was in Ireland, actually. I'd be hanging out with my best friends and doing my best to hit on women. Except, and this became a running joke between us, every time I'd get a girl who seemed interested enough to even come over and walk to us, she would always turn out to be one of two things A) increadibly religious or B) totally insane. Several times, they were both. It hasn't gotten _THAT_ bad here, yet, but I was kind of hoping that a fresh start would solve all of my....errr...problems.
I'm beginning to worry that, despite the many good things about me; confidence, wittiness, intelligence, drive, etc....I've got NO sexiness what so ever.
Dream Journal:
Yes, the latest installment of the crazy-weird dreams that I've been having lately. I like to call this one, "Digging for Treasure"
Digging for Treasure
My Mother and I are outside of our house and are digging in the front lawn. We're trying to collect dirt for an elixer of sorts; the only problem is that we can't use any of the dirt or water which has rocks right below it; it just won't work.
So, I'm digging and collecting a lot of dirt and water (apparently there is a small spring in my front yard), and only running into a few rocks. As I'm digging, I uncover a huge cashe of coins! I begin to collect them and soon realize that I'm going to be rich from all of the money that I've uncovered.
A small problem appears at this point, however; I don't know how to use the elixer or even what it does! I'm not sure if I should drink it, or rub it on my body. This is annoying, to say the least, although I believe I eventually decide to try to drink it.
Thoughts on Dreams:
Well my "mother" is most likely a representation of my Anima, or female side, which is working with me this time. If nothing else, marks this as a good dream. I've had problems with her in the past' to the point that she would routinely appear in my dreams as a witch who was trying to kill me. This time, she's standing by and helping me. A marked improvement!
So, I'm digging down into my unconcious, I would imagine. I'm searching for some elixer there which is going to help me out. Along the way, I uncover not only what I need, but also a literal treasure of other things. Apparently my recent digging into myself has uncovered some very good things; although, not nessesarily what I was looking for in the first place.
This leads me to the last bit of the dream here. The mysterious exlier that I'm looking for. IN the dream, I have all of the ingredients needed to creature it, except; I don't know how to use it. Does this mean that I've also got all the ingredients in my life to solve my problem, if I'd only just be able to use them correctly? I
AAWWWWWWWWWW He's a cutie. I love kitten mischief

Hooray for kitties!