If I may take a moment of your time; if you could please send your thoughts or prayers out to a family in my village here.
Tonight a Kindergarten student was playing on some thin ice out by the church in the town, and fell through. My ex-roomate performed CPR for 2 hours on the child before they were able to Medivac him out. There's still no word on his condition right now, and I'm not sure what to think.
Although I don't know the student personally, I have his older sister in one of my classes; and in a close knit place like this, everyone is related, so this is going to be quiet hard on the entire town. I know I've been having a difficult time in the village this year; but I still personally want only the best for this place; so any extra karma you could send up this way would be greatly appreciated by everyone, I'm sure.
Thanks a million, and I hope that you've all been having a wonderful day.
Good karma heading that way.
Awwww...you are SO sweet!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! Have a great day!