I was going to update my blog last night, but wasn't feeling to good. Having looked back over so many of my last entries, I'm ashamed to see that I've been coming off as a bit of a whiny ass (although I'll exclude the ones about being nearly killed by a drunken student; even I'm not hard enough on myself to take fault this those!). I do apologize for that; I swear that I'm usually a much happier person, and even an optimist.
Anyway, I flew out to Anchorage this weekend for a long planned vacation. My parents had wanted to come up and visit me for a while, so a few months ago we had made plans to meet in the city. It just so happened that, with everything that happened last week, it turned out to have been better planned that any of us had known at the time. We had a good time, it was great to see the folks again (I've always been thanful that my parents have always treated me very independantly; it saved me that annoying phase that so many 20 somethings go through where they seem to blame their parents for everything that goes wrong in their life).
Its been a good trip, but it has just reinforced how much I need to get out of Kipnuk eventually. I was hit with a bit of a blue spell for a bit, which I hate to admit. I really don't want to stay any longer; and its gotten to the point that I almost hope there is another incident so I could bow out with honor. This isn't to say that I would need it to justify it to others, everyone else has already told me that they're suprised I'm sticking around after last weekend(although my former roomate pointed out that if I did leave, he wasn't taking my classes ). The main problem is that I need to justify it to myself; apparently I'm much more stubborn than I had previous suspected, a single death treat isn't good enough! Oh no, I need several instances before I would believe that I wasn't betraying my co-workers and myself by leaving.
Oh well, enough drama! I'm listening to some Jerry Lee Lewis right now, and its hard to be of a morbid mind when the Killer is blaring in your ears! Just a few more months, and I'll be back in the Midwest for good, and my life will be right back on track. Even if this is tough, its not exactly like I see myself working in non-stressful fields; when I'm President and there is an international crisis, I'll be able to thank Kipnuk for strengthening me enough to deal with it!
At least I got some beer in my system this weekend; I miss beer so much. I snapped at my Mother because, here she was in ANchroage, and she was drinking nothing but Blue Moon or Heinenken instead of experimenting. I tried to get her to drink a Pumpkin Ale, but she demured *rolls eyes* That woman needs to get a sense of adventure
Anyway, I need to get going; my flight will be leaving in a bit, and I want to stop over and get some stuff from Best Buy. I also found s store that sells my favorite brand of cigarettes; it was the brand I started on last year. Since I'm a believer in symetry in life, I'm hoping that I can finally quit for good by having my 'last pack' being of the brand I started with.
I shall end this with a nice little diddy I wrote about Wisconsin; it would make a great National anthem
From Green Bay to the Twin Cities
From Superior to Chicago on the inland sea
Wisconsin stretches forth her loving arms
to protect all Wisconsinites from harm
Oh! Wisconsin over all! Wisconsin Over All!
And btw, it's okay to be whiny sometimes-- isn't that why we have blogs, so we can whine?