I'm currently sitting in a hotel room in the middle of the town of Great Barrington in Western Massachussets. For the past two weeks I've been making a gigantic loop across the country; first traveling out to Denver and from there heading over to DC, I'm going to be touring New England for a few days and from there I'll be heading into Detroit and then onwards to home for a few days before leaving agian for Alaska. The entire way I'm visiting friends who, since graduation, have been scattering across the country.
My most recent adventures were in Washington DC; a city where two of my friends who I met in Ireland live. Jack Guinan and Doug Webb were both members of my circle when I was studying in Maynooth Ireland and although I hadn't seen them in several years we'd managed to keep in touch through the miracle of the internet (which, I hear, is NOT a truck!). When I decided to travel out to the East Coast this summer, there was really no question that I was going to visit them.
I first got in on Thursday evening and, much to my own amazement, I'd been able to manuver the freeways of Washington without to much effort. Doug took one look at me and immediately commented that I didn't look the same guy he had last seen in Ireland; saying that I was carrying myself better and I seemed much more confident and less bumbling than I used to. We went and picked up Jack from the metro station and commenced what turned out to be the worst night of drinking I have had in a while.
Before I go in let me point out that Jack is a Sith Lord and his Jedi mind tricks always work on me. I don't know what it is about the guy, but I always seem to end up doing what ever he challanges me to do, no matter how stupid I realize it is in some part of my brain. Case in point: why exactly I decided to swish and gargle several shots of Jaegermeister and 99 Apples ( a wretched 99 proof hard liqour made from apples) I don't know. All I know is that Jack said I should and, despite my initial protests, I ended up doing it. Most likely it is because I'm an idiot.
I will spare you most of the details of the night, except to say that I supposedly ended up muttering about a "serpent god with a squid head", became distinctly interested in the kitchen table and began a long speech about how "there isn't food on the table, but there used to be; and there SHOULD be. I like food", broke into song several times, and then stumbled outside for a smoke and then decided that the cool dewy grass looked good enough to lay down on; which I did, face first before being carried up to bed for the night.
Luckly my entire DC trip was not summed up simply with a single, albeit hillarous, drunken escapade. Friday night the three of us got together with several of Jack's friends and went out for a few drinks and then went dancing. I am happy to say that I even hit on several girls, was able to dance with a cute blond lawyer who was the sister of one of Jack's friends, and so forth. Although I only got a somewhat chaste kiss from her at the end of the night, I'm pretty sure that I easily could have gotten her phone number had I lived in town. The only dampener on the entire night was when I realised that dancing with her was the single longest promonged physical contact I've had with a woman in at least a year.
And so, in conclusion, DC was a blast and I had a wonderful time with my friends; we've made plans to meet next summer in Ireland and travel the old mother land again for a while. Until then I'll travel the backroads of New England; today just realising as I entered into the state that I might well be driving through the same country which inspired Lovecraft's Dunwhich! And then its off to Detroit for another friend's Birthday (and the lapdance he promised me....promised to buy me; I don't want one from him!) I'm enjoying traveling as much as I can now as in a few weeks I shall be entombed in the icy wastes of Kipnuk Alaska once again.
My computer is in the shop