I just got back inside from smoking a cigarrette. I'd quit a few months back after having my wisdom teeth removed I picked the habit back up much to my own disgust. I think what pisses me off is that I was so proud of myself for quiting in the first place that the backsliding just rankles my pride; it really strikes me as a weakness in myself which I don't like. Who knows, maybe thats the reason I do it in the first place; its something for me to do that is 'bad' and with out no other outlet for my more rebellious nature, there we go.
Anyway, while I was outside I saw some lightening bugs flying through the air. I haven't seen lightening bugs out in these parts for so long that its nice to see them. I really have some problems with being out in the country this summer, but I do love with land so passionately. The woods, creeks, animals and all fit me like a glove. I can't think of any other land which I love as much as the old homestead in Central Wisconsin. Speaking of which, I just found out that my cousin Derrick is considering buying the old family farm which that Mother and her siblings grew up on. I'd always had the romantic dream of buying it and raising my own family there someday, but it would be great if he did it instead; I just want to see the old farm back in the Dombeck family.
Speaking of family, today was Father's day so I treated my family out to lunch at A&W's. Actually I had meant to buy for my Dad but he invited me Mom and Sister out as well. I was a bit irritated, I'd really just wanted to spend some time with him, but it still ended up being a good time. Back to the story, though, when I went to get some cash from a Tyme Machine the couple in the car in front of us ended up leaving their Debit Card behind. I've done that myself on more than on occasion, so I looked up the couple's phone number, called them and will be sending their card out in the mail tomorrow. Nothing's worse than thinking you've just lost your only access to money!

This week I'm heading back up to Marquette to visit my old Alma Mater and check out their Public Admin program and then, from there, I'm going to the Twim Cities and then Fargo to look at their programs as well. I've gotten very serious about getting into a grad school for the 2007-2008 year. I think I can pull one more year of teaching in Kipnuk, but no more than that. I realised today that I've been more of less cut off from people my own age for about 2 years now and it is wearing me down something horrible. I can't stand this social desolation I've been surviving in ever since I moved back home to Student teach. I'm a social man by my nature, but one who had oddly convinced himself that he keeps needing to move to small, isolated locations. This is what psychologists would call a "Self-destructive tendency"

Hey, glad to hear you'll be passing through Fargo! Are you considering becoming a student at NDSU, or a teacher? We've got some great graduate programs, there, but their teacher education department sucks.
Thank you. It means a lot.