And now, show plug.
U-Boat of the Soul"
When: Dec. 7-10 8 pm, Dec. 14-17, 8 pm
Where: Dancers' Studio West, 2007 10 Ave. SW
Synopsis: Phil Payton, writer-in-residence for Taranto Theatre, has a problem. He's got one night to produce a new work, but he's been suffering from writer's block ever since splitting with his of his current bosses. In a desperate bid to keep his job, Phil's trotting out his old spy hero, Dirk Rhombus, for another wacky adventure...but Dirk's not having it. Phil's fictional creation takes him on a journey to see just what spy thrillers can say about the world we live in and about Phil himself. WARNING: Contains nudity, coarse language, and large, hairy spiders fired at the audience through trap doors in the seats. Okay, just kidding about that last one.
Tickets: Adults - $13, Students and Seniors - $10, 2-for-1 Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 2005
To book tickets and for more information, please call (403)-999-2024 or e-mail <>.
And now, mystery quote.
"Why doesn't he remove the chip that lets me feel pain?"
-Captain Hero's sex-bot
Stolen from _rue: a Survey of 2005.
And regarding last night...KILL ALL HUMANS!
[Edited on Dec 14, 2005 6:30AM]