Right. I'm due for an update, but have no real tales, so I'll play. 20 things you didn't know about Danny G. Except possibly Masquerade.
1) Theatre's in my blood: my grandmother spent most of her life running the community theatre in Prince George. Sadly, she died a year and a half before my first play was performed.
2) I've had more pets than I can recall, but have been unable to consider getting a new one since my dog passed away seven years ago.
3) Plaid skirts are my Kryptonite.
4) I was a big enough fan of the TV show Lois and Clark that I own 2 full-size bus ads for it. They live at my parents' house.
5) I did two summers in a theatre program called Artstrek: after the first year, I had a dream that I'd never be happy until I returned.
6) While I'm a big video game geek, I tend to dislike racing games and fighting games that don't involve Mario.
7) I was married nearly 3 years before the separation, and to this day my ex's parents have no idea it ever happened.
8) I can't really deal with boredom. It causes me to examine my life, and that never goes anywhere good.
9) I have no allergies, but I used to pretend to be allergic to raisins to get out of eating them. Not once did someone ask why I wasn't also allergic to grapes.
10) I just assumed I hated mushrooms because my brother did. I'm starting to think I may have been incorrect.
11) I am not computer literate. Even a little. I consider even the simplest computer programming to be darkest witchcraft.
12) As a teen, I had a crush on X-Man Kitty Pride. Yeah, it's sad, but has anyone actually gotten this far?
13) I'm the biggest packrat I know. I find it damned hard to throw anything that once had value away.
14) I studied hap ki do for several years before I ran out of time; to this day I just don't have enough free evenings.
15) As a small child I was terrified of a puppet called the Thing (no relation to the Fantastio Four) on the kids' show Readalong. I didn't technically have recurring nightmares about him; he'd show up in random dreams and they'd become nightmares.
16) Speaking of nightmares, I did have a recurring one about zombie Fraggles. Can't explain that one.
17) Outside of standard issue social awkwardness, I've had three major phobias in my life, but only one (spiders) was not born out of almost dying.
18) I'm not really afraid of never knowing love again, because in my mind it's already happened. It'd be like being afraid of hitting puberty in your thirties.
19) I take no solace in the accomplishments of others: I don't look at someone else's triumph and think "It can be done," just "It's been done by him/her. What's your point?"
20) I'm always a little disappointed that nobody's curious about where the mystery quotes are from. But that's my issue, not yours. I'll deal with it.
That's a full lid, I'm out of here.
-Danny G
I heartily endorse this event or product.
-Krusty the Clown
(yeah, that one's obvious, what's your point?)
1) Theatre's in my blood: my grandmother spent most of her life running the community theatre in Prince George. Sadly, she died a year and a half before my first play was performed.
2) I've had more pets than I can recall, but have been unable to consider getting a new one since my dog passed away seven years ago.
3) Plaid skirts are my Kryptonite.
4) I was a big enough fan of the TV show Lois and Clark that I own 2 full-size bus ads for it. They live at my parents' house.
5) I did two summers in a theatre program called Artstrek: after the first year, I had a dream that I'd never be happy until I returned.
6) While I'm a big video game geek, I tend to dislike racing games and fighting games that don't involve Mario.
7) I was married nearly 3 years before the separation, and to this day my ex's parents have no idea it ever happened.
8) I can't really deal with boredom. It causes me to examine my life, and that never goes anywhere good.
9) I have no allergies, but I used to pretend to be allergic to raisins to get out of eating them. Not once did someone ask why I wasn't also allergic to grapes.
10) I just assumed I hated mushrooms because my brother did. I'm starting to think I may have been incorrect.
11) I am not computer literate. Even a little. I consider even the simplest computer programming to be darkest witchcraft.
12) As a teen, I had a crush on X-Man Kitty Pride. Yeah, it's sad, but has anyone actually gotten this far?
13) I'm the biggest packrat I know. I find it damned hard to throw anything that once had value away.
14) I studied hap ki do for several years before I ran out of time; to this day I just don't have enough free evenings.
15) As a small child I was terrified of a puppet called the Thing (no relation to the Fantastio Four) on the kids' show Readalong. I didn't technically have recurring nightmares about him; he'd show up in random dreams and they'd become nightmares.
16) Speaking of nightmares, I did have a recurring one about zombie Fraggles. Can't explain that one.
17) Outside of standard issue social awkwardness, I've had three major phobias in my life, but only one (spiders) was not born out of almost dying.
18) I'm not really afraid of never knowing love again, because in my mind it's already happened. It'd be like being afraid of hitting puberty in your thirties.
19) I take no solace in the accomplishments of others: I don't look at someone else's triumph and think "It can be done," just "It's been done by him/her. What's your point?"
20) I'm always a little disappointed that nobody's curious about where the mystery quotes are from. But that's my issue, not yours. I'll deal with it.
That's a full lid, I'm out of here.
-Danny G
I heartily endorse this event or product.
-Krusty the Clown
(yeah, that one's obvious, what's your point?)
Sis is doing well thanks. She is back to her old hyper self
As for Cirque...I am not THAT limber, but I can hold my own
Hope all is well
Just kidding...but only about the second part. I really do recognise almost all of your quotes. Everytime I read one, I get a kick out of knowing that I'm not the only one who read that/saw that/wrote that line down.