ahh fuck! Its xmas eveand i havn't finished my shopping..Thats because i'vebeen sick all week. I've been sleeping alot --no work i called in.I went to bed last night at like 10 thats why i'm up at 7..So i need to finish my shopping and tonight i drive to colombus to see the fam.My younger brother is going to love his gift-we bought him a Epiphone guitar and a amp---i have no idea what i'm getting except i told several people i wanted that 4 disc punk collection rhino just put out..All i hope for is a couple of new records or cds.....Well i should shower so i can get on with this day..HAPPY XMAS EVE!

Merry Christmas! I hope all goes well in Columbus and you 'n Jenny have fun!
It was great to meet you both the other night!

Merry Xmas a little late, hope you are having fun and you aren't sick anymore.