My best friends baby had a seziure while at my house last night. I had to call 911, I didnt know what to do. I called my mom and tried to calm my friend down until finally I figured out what the hell was going on. The baby is going to be 2 in september, her name is Ivy Lili. Shes the cutest little girl ever, and to she her lying on my living room floor convusing was probably the scarriest thing that ive ever seen. Kids that age are just so helpless, and when the 911 operator is telling you not to touch or try to help her, its not easy. Especially when her mother is screaming and trying to grab her. while on the phone, I was trying to monitor the babys breathing, and hold back the mother... I have crazy bruises all over my arms from her trying to push me away. It was like I was holding back a mother bear from her cubs... like a wild animal. The paramedics got there, we found out her tempature was 107, and the reason she had the seizure was because her fever shot up too high too fast and her body didnt know how to react. Its called Febrile Seizure...
It made me not want to have kids
It made me not want to have kids
Thank you for replying, i was so fucking upset...i still am about the whole thing...i need much moral support right now, even if it is from perfect strangers
I've been in that situation once before (while I was deployed overseas last time, a GI started flopping around/convulsing; I can't remember if it was a heat stroke or a cardiac arrest), and 99% of the time all you can do is keep cool, keep the others relatively cool, and call the folks that know what to do. You did all three, and win a prize.