Good things: Tickets to turbonegro on 9/29. Bad thing,,, I really want to take my little brother, but its on a monday and he has some kinda cooking exam or something tuesday morning. I already bought his ticket... So now I guess Im gonna have to find a date.
Good Thing:Going to Austin in a couple of weeks. Bad thing... I cant spend a lot of money. My dad is throwing my mom a surprise 40th birthday party and Im in charge of renting and paying for the alcohol and margarita machine. Ugh... I dont even like my mom that much.
Good Thing: My friend Rene is letting me borrow his way cool old school portable record player since the needle to my new one STILL isnt in yet. Bad thing: I have to give it back soon and I dont know when the needles coming in. And I just bought a bunch of new records that I still havent heard enough of. Actually, I probably have heard the Lou Reed one enough. But still. I dont want to give it back.
Good thing: Schwanns guy is super hot. he brings me hot pockets and Ice cream every two weeks, Bad thing: I made an ass out of myself yesterday because I asked him to marry me. what can I say, he had me at "heres your hot pockets." SO now i think they are switching Schwanns guys on me. Lame
Whats goin on good for you?
Good Thing:Going to Austin in a couple of weeks. Bad thing... I cant spend a lot of money. My dad is throwing my mom a surprise 40th birthday party and Im in charge of renting and paying for the alcohol and margarita machine. Ugh... I dont even like my mom that much.
Good Thing: My friend Rene is letting me borrow his way cool old school portable record player since the needle to my new one STILL isnt in yet. Bad thing: I have to give it back soon and I dont know when the needles coming in. And I just bought a bunch of new records that I still havent heard enough of. Actually, I probably have heard the Lou Reed one enough. But still. I dont want to give it back.

Good thing: Schwanns guy is super hot. he brings me hot pockets and Ice cream every two weeks, Bad thing: I made an ass out of myself yesterday because I asked him to marry me. what can I say, he had me at "heres your hot pockets." SO now i think they are switching Schwanns guys on me. Lame
Whats goin on good for you?

hey! how's your zine coming along? we're super excited about it. what did you think of the cd? can we get a copy of the zine?

p.s. nice ass