I must work with the stupidest 40 something year old woman ever. She doesnt know anything... and she asks me what to do everytime the boss isnt around because she doesnt want the boss to know she is so stupid. The main reason is because the boss is her sister in law... which is why i cant tell my boss anything about how Im having to do all her work on top of mine. And when Im not able to get all my work done after "helping" her do all her work, She makes a big deal about how I dont have my stuff together. I wish I could tell her something about it, shes family to my boss and I think it would be a mistake to say anything to her. This is a good job, and Ive been working here longer then she has.... I think if anyone should go, its her. And on top of everything else, my boss is talking about giving her the new office they are about to open. Ughhhhh, I guess i should just let my boss see for himself when the new office goes down the drain...

waaaa.. miss talkin to u...sorry about dissapearing this afternoon
a L