I'm so terrible with my blogging. But I'm not apologizing. I have a life outside of SG dammit! Haha.
Not a whole lot going on these days, so here's a random blog of randomness:
I was preparing dinner the other night, cutting some pork loin (my apologies, vegetarians! I know, I know... I am a guilt-ridden carnivore. I really am) and looked up to find that I was being stalked by 75% of the cats in my house...
Eek! I'm assuming that the only reason my other cat wasn't in on the hunt is because she was asleep in another room, unaware.
I absolutely love this film, so I picked up the new Criterion Collection Blu-ray last week. I was watching the special features and only now found out that it was based on a true story. Nuts.
I am now an official card-carrying member of the International Soul Rebels Society.
Are you familiar with this band? If not, you're really missing out!
Oh, and that's theaceface ripping up the bass there. Looking forward to saying hello to him when I see Suedehead next month.
I got a life-sized DEVO action figure, with keytar action grip (keytar not included)...
Fortunately for my wife, it's currently in a corner in my office. I haven't brought it home. At least not yet.
When I was a kid, I loved all things sci-fi. I was an enormous Star Trek fan (still am) and Star Wars all but changed my life as a child. I also used to enjoy Doctor Who and grew up watching the fourth Doctor. In my teen years, I sort of lost interest and moved on to other things. With the revival of the show over the last decade and all of the critical/fan acclaim, I want to revisit the series. Being the nerd I am, however, I don't just want to jump in from the newer series. I'm going way back to the original series, from 50 years ago and am going to watch all of the nearly 800 episodes. I have a lot of work ahead of me! I've already completed all of the episodes with the first Doctor. I'm curious to find out how long it will take me to catch up to present.
Oh, and the Doctor Who theme song used to scare the living shit out of me when I was a child.
That's about all I have for now. See you next time!