Anyone else feeling insanely depressed lately? 2020 sure has taken its toll on a lot of us. Usually I can manage my depression and emotions through working out, meditation, and art, but it’s become very difficult as of late. I’m a divorcee, I’m being forced to move very soon, and I’m going to be losing my dog who is everything to me. I just found...
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Happy mischief day/night everyone! What are your Halloween plans? Any parties, seances going on? Seeing that it’s going to be a full moon, I’m hoping the energy will be pretty crazy tomorrow night. I’m just hanging with some friends, having a little seance of my own, and going to play some games and watch horror movies. Be safe everyone!

👻 🎃🤘🏻🤔🤘🏻


I hope everyone has an awesome Hallow-week! I have a few PTO days leading up to Halloween, so I’m looking forward to a much needed break from work and my normal routine 😬 anyway, that is all lol

hallow-week is good, I will copy this and use in my instagram can I?
At @hilo yes absolutely! Thank you for asking 😊

Saw someone’s blog today about a band called The -Hu. Gave it a listen, and it’s pretty amazing. Mongolian/chanting/rock. Pretty cool stuff if you want to listen to something different 🤘🏻❌🤘🏻


Hello everyone :) trying to find something new to watch. I just re-started The Haunting of Hill House and You. Any other suggestions? Hope you’re doing well 🤘🏻❌🤘🏻

You ever have one of those dreams that you wake up from in the dead of night, kind of scratch your head and say, “WTF?” And just kind of laugh at how ridiculous it is? Lol I had a dream I was at the dentist getting my crown fixed. He had to keep switching offices because the power kept going out, and we had to...
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What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Some of mine are:

-People who refuse to use a turn signal


-People that sweat all over the equipment at the gym and don’t wipe it down

Hope you’re all having a nice day!

These are also pet peeves of mine lol
@babyaries glad I’m not the only one lol

Looking for some new music (or old but new to me). I like anything high energy, industrial, or with good rhythm (huge fan of Rammstein, Eisbrecher, Orgy and The Prodigy). Suggestions? Anyone? Please? ...help?
😜 🤘🏻❌🤘🏻


Anyone else suffer from an anxiety disorder?

What it seems like to someone who doesn’t experience it:

You’re overreacting.
You need to calm down.
Just breathe.
You’ll be fine.
You’re weird.
Why don’t you go out more?
OMG you have problems.
Can’t you just...why don’t you just...
You’re a dick/bitch.
You’re just looking for attention.

What it actually feels like:

Can’t breathe.
Cant deal with...
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Thank you @infernum ❤️ yoga and working out definitely help me out immensely. I’ve dealt with it for years, and helped my ex-wife through it as well. I’d like to think I’m an open door if anyone ever needs to vent. That helps too! Lol
Feel you

Heyyyy it’s my first blog, so here it goes. I’m only here for the social aspect and to chat. I’m 37, divorced, and live my life by laughter (I consider myself a less demented version of the Joker I guess?). I’ve been raised to respect women (no I’m not trying to sound high and mighty, I just genuinely care about people). I give anyone a...
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hey !! nice to know about you 😍 welcome
Thanks @camicah ❤️