On the things I appreciate, on the things I love, on the things that fascinate and inspire.
I do not do or hold interest in these things because others approve of them. These are the things that interest me, and I do not need to justify them. Others do not dictate to me what I think is good. I would strip myself of my identity if I did so.
These things said (truths which I find to be self evident), a recent occurrence has brought me to realize that Musashi was wise indeed.
"Apply one thing you know to ten thousand things" -- or in this case, ten thousand people.
I must remind myself that the people I observe here or anywhere else do not take part in what they do because I approve or not. I hold these following truths, and apply them liberally, but will use this small example of SG:
Just so you know, the following is me talking to me, and no one else.
1. She did not post that picture because I wanted her to-- it is because she wanted to. Be appreciative and respectful.
2.Her ink/body mods/ hairstyles were not, in fact, done to please me, they are for her reasons and for her enjoyment.
3. Your opinion of them, Damian, is moot, all in all. Be thankful she accepts it and don't sweat it if she doesn't.
4. Your comments, sir, are not necessary... but she likely appreciates your positivity. Make sure that you are indeed positive.
5. If not, shut the fuck up. This is her time, her light; let her shine, for we all shine so briefly.
6. Love her for her strength, for her wit, for her mind... and take a hint from her, and love yourself for the same reasons.
7. This window into her soul is a window into your own. Be as naked and honest as she... figuratively. (I'm not really worried about you sending her dick pics, but it does bear saying. Just no.)
8. She is not here searching for your approval. If you do approve, it is incidental at best. You are not as important as you think.
9. ...but you are more important than you know. Take care with your words and actions.