Disclaimer: Lucky you. I couldn't find the full list of homework assignments (I'm sure it's somewhere in the collection of Hopefuls threads)... yet. So, you won't have to suffer through too much silliness... yet. Some of those questions I really. Want. To. Answer.
Because I'm a derp.
9.12.14: If you could invent something, what would it be?
My drive to invent and innovate is centered around certain technological impossibilities, for we have not yet advanced sufficiently in our understanding of key processes and phenomena to be able to bridge the gaps between technology and idea. That's why I'm what's known as a dreamer.
The thoughts spinning around in the spaces between my synapses involve a number of useful contrivances:
1. Gravitational/Magnetic Field based generation of electricity: The concept itself is fairly straightforward-- Generating and harnessing power from the gravitational exchange between the earth and the moon. Like solar energy, lunar energy is seen and felt every day and night. Ever seen a sizable body of water? The waves lapping at the shores or banks are caused by a combination of the moon's gravitational force (which is strange to me, because the moon has itself very little surface gravity. Has to do with its mass in such "close" proximity to earth) and the earth's own. The effect of the moon's proximity is constant, day and night. My invention would react to the forces at work in such a way as to generate electricity (Obviously, the science background I have in this area is spotty at best). Those forces are exceptionally subtle and inherently (read: assumed to be) stable. My gravitational power plant would need to be able to amplify these forces to a degree that an appreciable amount of energy could be converted and stored.
2. Medi-gel from the Mass Effect games: 'Nuff said.
3. Molecular Recycler: Not nearly as crazy as it sounds, this device would break our trash down to its base molecules, or even to the atomic level. The resulting molecules could be bonded to other molecules to create volumes of base materials (e.g.: polymers, metals and a whole shitload of carbon). The simplest version would process biological waste into fertilizers of various acidity or alkalinity, depending upon the nature and makeup of the waste material. Fuck taking out the trash in sub-zero temps!
See you tomorrow for the next topic!