In reflection...
My time on SG has brought me great joy and an overwhelming sense of being truly welcome. I look back at all the amazing people I've met and the lives mine has traded paint with, and I can't thank everyone enough. From the blogs to the comments and the photosets (of course) ... and the videos... damn. Speechless, here, folks. Herein, I'm going to try to give a shout out to those of you who have made a difference in my life...
First, to the legendary @Gogo Blackwater. I saw her pictures floating around on the net, with the SG emblem in the corner, and thought, 'Wow. That's a site I should check out.'
The first set I laid eyes on was @norapurpled, with that white "Ferrari" (set went by quoted name). I was stunned. Quite possibly the most epically pierced woman I have ever seen, plus, her dreads were awesome! I was smitten from that moment on.
I wandered the set for weeks, stumbling around blind, unaware that most people were doing exactly the same as I with the new layout. During that time, I figured out that following people would lead me to more retina-scorchingly hot pics. Great! I found @adria (Who simultaneously inspires me and breaks my heart) and @gunner (such a full, rich life!) that way, and in doing so began caring about these women on a personal level. There was more to SG than first met the eye. @sugary and @katharsis were tons of fun to tag along with on their adventures through SG, and it was through them I discovered the use of blogs (and the lethal women of Santiago). @ness, I will blushingly admit, was my first crush here. She just kills it.
There was an orgiastic spree of "love" button mashing and hesitant compliments on pictures, cheeky posts on blogs, and discovering the Canadian and Columbus strongholds in the SG baronies. I really can't put them in any particular order, but these deserve special mention (and apologies for any I forget to mention- my head was spinning at this time).
@oliviapluss and @oliviablack, on the same day. One wowed me with her natural beauty and adventurous spirit, the other with just a smile. And wow, what a smile.
@orion, whose image was burned into my brain; haunting eyes on that girl. @yugen, who inspired me to take part and help a girl to realize a dream. (Plus, they both make me swoon.)
I pointed out to @ryyn and @betxi that they lived like four blocks away from one another (exaggeration), and they arranged a time to hang out together. I felt pretty good about that. Betxi's now a long way from the red clay of Oklahoma, but they didn't miss their chance to meet, and that's hella cool.
@stormyent, for being an epic bloody inspiration! I cannot say enough good thing about this woman's strength, wit and force of personality. She's so genuine and kind and is, to me, the essence of what this site is all about.
@dullita, for being Dullita (and being willing to answer a message).
@_storm_, who always leaves my brains leaking out my ears, and is too cool to be real.
@sincere_, who shares so much of herself, and lives up to her plume de noms.
@cutest_cupcake, for being awesome and having a plume de om-noms! (I am really, really silly.)
@trills, for sharing all the little pleasures, and perhaps intentionally reminding us to appreciate where we are and who we are right here, right now.
@babit, for being one of the first SGs to share her voice (the first I noticed). She was already super sexy before; her voice puts her into goddess league.
@jaxx_, who is so lovely a person, inside and out, it's almost a moral imperative to meet her in person. (and hug her mum)
@pedruna17, who is my second crush. Holy shit, this woman hits every single button I have. I have to brace myself before clicking on her photos. Her video stopped my heart.
@scorpiossin, who has been so very real, from day one.
I cannot forget to thank the "Wanker" (sounds like a very short-lived nemesis for Batman. I... @almost_missed is Batman!!! Ermagerdh!) for drawing us together. "Jacking off is... fine. Do that. But don't be a dick about it." That pretty much sums up how that went. ;) Thank you ALL for that.
@robertnagiel, @skrillex, @elkcrazy32, @beardvanquisher, @kalchaamer, @lewolf, @mhef, for their constant support of the ladies and one another.
Of course, I cannot fail to give mention to the staff, who touch every one of our lives and share with us their art and their passion. I'm positive I haven't mentioned a couple of someones, and my apologies for not having the mental acuity to frigging remember. But, then again, I can't just post a comprehensive list of every member. We, as @stormyent has said, are all connected...
A thousand candles may be lit from one single candle, and the life of that one will not be shortened for it.