So many sets, soooo long to wait. I keep reading posts that say things like, "My set comes out to MR on March 17th," and "May 4th, baby!" and I just want to eat my calendar; gnaw away the days until the next breathless moment I spend being amazed and awed by our sublimely beautiful Suicide Girls. But each day brings so much awesome... it gets the gears in my brain set to squeaking.
Aye, to quote Hamlet, there's the rub.
Instead of doing all this waiting, looking forward and pining for that which has not yet come, I think I should just be happy for what today brings. Each triumph, each challenge... each epic fail, brings me so much that I haven't taken the time to appreciate. Inspiration comes in moments-- in now. Not in a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, but in the present day. It stares you down like a rabid chihuahua and snarls at you in a basso voice that it should not possess, "Come get some!" (What, is that just me?) And if you don't grab it right then and there, the little anklebiter viciously rips your knickers off and steals the nachos and cheese dip right off your plate. Bastard. No-thumb-having, multitasking god, but a bastard all the same.
The question is, what to do with all this now, anyway?! For every gunslinging, player-piano smashing slugfest at Miss Kitty's Bordello, there are interminable stretches of, "meanwhile, back at the ranch..." Well, for me, I have a ten year old son to hang with, my job, my hobbies and a metric ass-ton of writing that has been gathering pixellated dust on the old hard drive. Time to grab opportunity and inspiration and life, kick them in the ghoulies and wring them of everything they have to offer. Sorry, pooch. I don't normally beat up small animals, but you called me out.
Challenge accepted.
To do:
1) Write, write, write.
2) Get tattoo. Have design. Now research and find great artist to ink it (and figure out how to embed and link and post photos here).
3) Kick life in the goney-stones once more-- hey, at this point, it's self-defense, and any judge in the country would rule in my favor!
4) ... Jeezus, D, stop fucking rambling.
1) Took off almost 20 pounds (I think that's 8 kilos) in the last three months. Under 220 now. Yay, me!
2) One of three "writes".
3) Made cheeky list.
4) Rambling.
That said, looking forward to:
Jim Butcher's next book in the Dresden Files comes out in May. So. Stoked. Anyone else read Butcher's stuff?
Also the third movie in The Hobbit. (If your geek-boner lasts for more than four hours, do you still need to seek medical help? Wondering.)
My Lincoln Stars' (Hockey) next win. *facepalm* They're doing... sooo bad this year.
Here's to the now!