Wednesday Apr 21, 2004 Apr 21, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email want to fucking poke it don't you...... Tomorrow: to Amsterdam VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS daniyell: i know! they are the sweetest! and since I have no food, I ate the rest of the pie for breakfast today have soooooooooooooooo much fun in Amsterdam! By the time you get back, I will be living in a different city with three roomies and two extra pets Apr 21, 2004 bloodycrackdown6: hanky panky is the famous tattoo artist his shop was beneath a biker bar where they bake spacecakes...and the bulldog is a local hash bar w/ cool t-shirts, and coffee for sale. you'll see these places in the red light district. Apr 22, 2004
and since I have no food, I ate the rest of the pie for breakfast today
have soooooooooooooooo much fun in Amsterdam! By the time you get back, I will be living in a different city with three roomies and two extra pets