Yes, that's right, i'm in a mood, again. Yes, you're right when you think i always seem to be in a mood. I've nothing else going on in my humdrum little life to write about. So let's rant, shall we.
The main cause for my ranting tonight is my new course that i'm doing for work. I got a letter 2 weeks ago saying that due to lack of interest the course i'm doing is only going to be on in Dublin. Much ranting was had about this, but i got on with it, and booked all my flights up to Dublin, and arranged everything. It's only 4 Saturdays this side of Christmas, and 4 after. So, i booked all the flights before Christmas. Done, and then i got ANOTHER letter today, saying that all my classes have now been moved to Cork. This would be great, if i could get a refund for my flights, but i can't. So, i'm fucking annoyed.
There is other stuff too, but that's not really for here. But i'm a big bundle of mood recently. I found an old photo earlier, wanna see??? I feel it emphasise the strop, and the mood.
That one was actually taken in my bathroom, and i'm sitting on the loo there. I was having a girlie chat with someone, and a mope, and they took some pics cuz they found it funny how mopey i am. It's not funny, i'm a proper little misery queen.
So, anyway, the lovely Bonnie's set went up over the weekend, as did the gorgeous Churtch's
. I hope you've gone and said nice things.
How could you not love them? They're bloody lovely.
That's all i've got tonight people. Someday soon maybe there'll be a happy post.
Yes, that's right, i'm in a mood, again. Yes, you're right when you think i always seem to be in a mood. I've nothing else going on in my humdrum little life to write about. So let's rant, shall we.
The main cause for my ranting tonight is my new course that i'm doing for work. I got a letter 2 weeks ago saying that due to lack of interest the course i'm doing is only going to be on in Dublin. Much ranting was had about this, but i got on with it, and booked all my flights up to Dublin, and arranged everything. It's only 4 Saturdays this side of Christmas, and 4 after. So, i booked all the flights before Christmas. Done, and then i got ANOTHER letter today, saying that all my classes have now been moved to Cork. This would be great, if i could get a refund for my flights, but i can't. So, i'm fucking annoyed.
There is other stuff too, but that's not really for here. But i'm a big bundle of mood recently. I found an old photo earlier, wanna see??? I feel it emphasise the strop, and the mood.

That one was actually taken in my bathroom, and i'm sitting on the loo there. I was having a girlie chat with someone, and a mope, and they took some pics cuz they found it funny how mopey i am. It's not funny, i'm a proper little misery queen.
So, anyway, the lovely Bonnie's set went up over the weekend, as did the gorgeous Churtch's

How could you not love them? They're bloody lovely.
That's all i've got tonight people. Someday soon maybe there'll be a happy post.