A group for people who just love big boobs. Post your favorites, talk about your favorites, bask in boob glory. P.S. No milk jokes. Ever.
Anime > real life
This group exists to discuss all things Piercing. Ask questions, tell stories, share tips and experiences. Please use the SEARCH FUNCTION and check the "Before You Post Your Question" thread [b]BEFORE[/b] you post. **Please note: Any recommendations made by members of this group are not to be construed as, or …
This is a group for MEN ONLY. To become a member of this group you must: 1- Be a member for at LEAST one month 2- Be active. Reply to journals, keep a journal, a profile picture is a must 3- Don't come in this group to bash other members …
This group welcomes fantasy nerds of all kinds. Reader, writer, or watcher, we encourage you to come in and share your favorite book, artwork, movie or TV show, as well as any of your own artwork or writings.
A group for the dread~ed heads of SG. Everything from tips on how to keep them nappies happy to the history of dreadlocks. Everything is welcome: personal stories, tips, methods, history, links, pictures, and just basic chit chat.
All things astrology, zodiac, divination, you name it!
"sports, sports, sports, sports" -Homer Simpson For sports fans and participants, team sports and individual!
All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!