From the current events board: http://www.turnyourbackonbush.org/

If it wasn't for the fact that I'd be in school, I'd go do this.
Women, if you have $17,000 laying around and want to have an orgasm at the push of a button (literally), click here.

Heh, some fun pranks could derive from this. Imagine stealing someone's remote and fucking with them?

...In other news, now matter how many times I see girls on this site in thigh-highs, it never gets old. Ever.
Heh. biggrin
I know I may have said this before, but if you have not seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, do so. I don't care what your feelings towards any of the actors may be--after seeing this movie, I can't picture Jim Carrey doing anything silly, nor can I picture Kate Winslet pretending to fly at the bow of the Titanic. Trust me. And...
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Im sorry your weekend was poop.

I like your answers. I would never ask you to withhold information when it comes to answering my questions. The long in depth answers is what Im looking for and in my opinion the best. The more in depth answers make you think and I like that. Silly you.

I'm not sure if I can put this into words, especially considering I feel like death warmed over, and other, but I want to, so I'll try.

I have a friend who I mistakenly thought I was romantically interested in last year, but I understand why I thought that. Hell, she's intelligent, independent (as much as I am! show me many females who can say...
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Yay for drinking on a school night.

Not yay for exams that drive me to drink.

However, despite being drunk at the moment (it's almost midnight), I guarantee that I'll be up at 6:30 in the morning. Blargh.
Now that I'm not caught up in the pitched battle of the election anymore, I've realized something--primarily because of Kerry's actions yesterday. Never before (since probably the Civil War) has this country been as heatedly divided as it is today. People who support Kerry loathe Bush and actually lose trust and respect for their friends who support Bush, and the same thing is true of...
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Dubya has admited he does not think the country is divided, it will be a long four years.
Here in Ohio is is very easy to hate people who voted for bush, but i think they were just lied to and misled by the man they voted for.
i hate people who lie, i do not hate people who believed what the president told them.
So, I'm saying this tonight because I know I won't be awake enough to remember to tomorrow.

I know (well, hope, really) that you won't make your decision based on what some guy you met a couple times posts in his SG journal. However, I will say this:

Go vote. NOW. (Assuming, of course, you're reading this within the designated hours tomorrow, and you haven't...
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MMM...mountain dew and captain. I'll have to try that, sounds yummy. I drank captain all weekend. It went with my costume. wink

This is me (non-voter) not bitching.

I'll reap what I sow.
Update: I'm single again. Not entirely sure how it's going to work out, but it was *definitely* for the best, especially for me.

Oh, and Happy Halloween. smile I celebrated by watching Rocky Horror in Hahvahd Squaah at midnight last night. As usual, it was a blast.
Every once in a while I start to ease up, then something like this comes along and reaffirms the fact that I fucking HATE Christians.

It's worth reading the whole article: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/chitribts/halloweenbedevilssomeuschurches&cid=2027&e=2
haha, silly you. Capoeira is a martial arts that is closely related to (and resembles) dancing. It was oroginally created by african slaves in Brazil. Do a google search on it and you should find tons of stuff about it. It's becoming more and more popular in the US especially since Tekken included characters that use it as their fighting style (Eddie Gordo and Christie Montiero). I love it.
Aren't evangelical Christians wonderful people? puke
relationship - n. An institution in which freedom is limited and independence suppressed.

You disagree? Explain why. Examples are welcome and encouraged.
I agree.

SYH the Yes Man, that's me.
I'm not entirely sure how that went. It could have gone better, it could have gone worse. That's not really the point, though... the question is, did it go exactly as I expected it to?

...Something tells me, yes. It did.

But, hey, honesty is the best policy, right? Right?