Someone ran over my old cell phone, so I have a new one. If I had your phone number before, and/or you think I should have it, e-mail it to me at daevric[at]gmail[dot]com . Thanks.

It was awesome meeting you hun.. and yes it was me with the blanket and pillow blush Glad you had fun! And no worries about jetting early.. biggrin
Finals at Clarkson are scheduled for three hours apiece. Most of the time, they don't take that long, especially for me.

I just took an exam that started at 11:45am. The prof kicked us all out at 3:10pm. No one had left. Ow.

Anyway, I'm between exams 2 and 3 of the day at the moment. I have a several hour break before the next...
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Irish car bombs...mmm... biggrin
Good luck with your finals. I have my last final at 5:00 PM. I can't wait.

I like your rings.
I love this class. I just finished writing the 3rd and last paper for the course.

Paper #1: I spent the whole paper bashing organized religion. Well, technically that just sorta happened as a side bonus. The point of the paper was to show that humanity's inflated sense of self-importance has infiltrated its way into our both our art and sciences. That, and showing that...
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r u coming to the Hooo Raa? let me know on the Upstate board.. for sure.. k?
I know exactly where you're going with the rock bottom thing. I totally agree. You never heard me say it was a bad thing... just painful.
So, Alexander... eh, 'twas okay. From what I can discern, as long as you don't listen to the Bible-thumping retards who deny that bisexuality ran amuck in ancient Greek culture, it was pretty historically accurate. The only major Hollywood-induced variant that I'm aware of was the final battle with the Indians and how that turned out--but then again, that was already 2 and a...
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Everybody's talking about "Alexander"...

I just got around to seeing "The Passion" today
There's a wonderful little thing at one of the bars in town called "flip night." THe general premise is the following: you order anything that's on tap, the bartender flips a quarter and you call it in the air...if you win, you get the beer free, if you lose, you pay regular price. Tonight, we paid for a grand total of four out of twenty-seven...
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Ha that is an awesome comeback....but try saying it to your mother.....then again maybe you are one of those people who don't mind having your parents disown you. /shrug Me ...I'm just not done leeching off of them, even thou I've moved out of the house 6 years ago biggrin

skull skull skull

I'd say those are excellent odds.
Every once in a while, when I start to get full of myself, all I have to do is go play certain DDR songs.

Needless to say, I was just put in my place hardcore. I need to practice more.
ddr scares me. ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
I just had a very interesting moment, and I had to sit down and share it quickly before I run off to do something else and forget the words, if not the ideas.

I just saw myself and life in a rather shocking context. I saw myself young (as in, within a couple years of now), confident, determined, and in love with someone as physically...
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I love/hate moments like those but Im thankful I have them.

I was once an addict, but I can say I havent had a French fry in over 5 months. I love them to death but they are the devil so I must stay stronger for the sake of my tummy. wink
That's a very insightful entry. I hope you can find the person whom you seek.
Scientia potentia est.

If knowledge is power, then teachers are distributors of power.

I had a student come in to my office hours tonight, and when all the other people had left, she and I started talking about how she was doing in school, what kinds of problems she's been having, etc. I, being me, started talking about my own experiences and philosophies and how...
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I am very interested to hear your take specifically. I already know we have scarily similar outlooks on a lot of the topics discussed already.
and this journal entry of yours proves it smile
Is it just me, or is Ville Valo more well-spoken than most native English-speakers?

...Not that any of you know who Ville Valo is, though.

Also, just for the record, I just realized that my favorite female vocalist and my favorite male vocalist are both from Finland.
thanks. kiss

i've managed to stay away from the CE board since i wrote that last entry, so i'm doing just fine now. hope you are, too. biggrin

The only Finnish band I know is Lodger, thanks to two flashes: "I Love Death" and "Doorsteps".

Drank too much too fast tonight. Not alcohol-content-wise (I only had five pints-ish + a shot), but volume-wise. I had gorged myself to the point of being stuffed right beforehand, and proceeded to down said five points + shot in just over an hour. Never got drunk, but I can honestly say that my entire esophagus was full for a little while there.

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Added a bunch of new pictures to all three folders, some of which are from the first NH visit from this past summer that I never got around to posting.

Also, if you have any idea where the pictures in the "awesome artwork" folder come from, let me know. I found them while roaming around the Internet back in middle or high school, and have...
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