I'm baaaaack!

It was time. Life is goddamn good--I'll explain why next time I post (or just update this one in a bit, if I have time). I need to get back into the swing of things here. As it happens, I missed the place. tongue
Things are decent. I spend most of my days earning enough to pay the bills & sock a little away for a rainy day. Yay bills! tongue

Aside from that, not much excitement over here.
glad to see you are back, even if it took me a little while to noticebiggrin
Hey guys...

I've been less-than-active recently. Tends to happen when I get a girlfriend. It doesn't help that in general, I feel like the quality of the site is going downhill. (There are 604 SGs now. I remember seeing 263, and I'm not even sure if that was when I joined or a lot later--either way, the whole "new SG every day" thing has been...
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i HATE writing citings in papers. it especially sucks if you have to go by memory. what did you do your thesis work on? oh, and you're going to cornell for grad-school? congrats on that smile I'm so jealous. I haven't even started looking at grad schools yet, nor do I know what the hell I'd study. anyway...
"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

If there's going to be a war between the cities and the countryside, it's going to be because I started it. What do you think George W and the new Pope are going to say when they hear that a Pagan wrote a book on evolution and called it The Third Testament?

Here's the website: 42/ The Third Testament

You can order the book through it. It's FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND words long. I've been working on it just about every minute of my life for the past 8 months. Now the fun begins...

Congratulations on grad school, the new eyes, new tattoo, and new girlfriend. Sounds like things are going pretty well for you.

[Edited on May 25, 2005 8:27PM]
I wish I could qualify the way I feel right now, other than alone and lost. That's not quite it, but it's close. I've gotten this feeling off and on for the last thirteen years. I was eight when I first realized how alone I am. How's that for a fucked up childhood--knowing that by and large, the people who paid attention to you were...
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hello stranger smile
hey kiddo
I had a conversation with someone recently who believes in karma. Upon hearing this, I laughed and called it bullshit, whereupon she proceeded to attempt to defend the point with very little more than "I have to believe that what one does will come back to them, be it a positive outcome for a good deed or a sort of punishment for a bad one"...
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I'd have to agree that Karma doesn't exist and an absolute. A person may make a series of choices that can have a domino effect and ultimately result in a good or bad outcome based upon the choices. I don't believe it happens all the time, or everytime, but it can sometimes be used to classify a complex system of choices... Such as a person getting into drugs, getting into heavier drugs, and ultimately ending up in jail or dead. Their 'good' from the feeling of drugs is counteracted by the 'bad' of their lifestyle. I believe it can be accurately applied to these situations in general, but it will not work in every case.

Karma as a mystical force that balances all mortal decisions, no, I don't believe in that.

I do, however, believe in a pre-defined path that we follow as human beings. Destiny if you will. I think human beings are all pretty much the same on a larger scale and this leads to a common path we all follow through life. Children learn, teenagers rebel, old people prepare for death, etc etc. Whether a single person's life can be pre-defined... I do believe in a sense. More of a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of sense.

And then we always have the words of Troy, NY:
What comes around goes around, motherfucker.

are you sure you want me to get started on this subject?
This is fucked up.

Over break, several things were stolen from research labs here in the science center--a few balances here and there, 60 or 72 (don't remember if one of the cases held 36 or 48) CD's of mine--all from behind locked doors.

Well, apparently that was just the start. Last night, someone broke into our lab by climbing over the door to the...
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Someone did their homework alright.
Aaaaaand, I'm back in Potsdam, after much driving and a little visiting. My new speakers are all hooked up now (there are wires running over my ceiling!), the apartment is almost finished being rearranged, and ...oh yeah, all I've actually unpacked is allt he electronics. Heh, well, at least we know where my priorities lie.

Happy freakin' New Year. smile
Potsdam, potsdam, POTSDAM, potsdam, potsdam, pots.. dam. potsdampotsdampotsdam.

(Sorry, go see the aviator and you'll understand)
No, it's from a stupid scene (rather, thee stupidest) in the movie... not anything specific about potsdam. He actually uses the word 'blueprints', but I was just manipulating the word for the situation.
Merry Christmas, guys. smile
Holy fucking hell, I can see.

Yesterday morning when I woke up, I couldn't function without glasses. I'm nearsighted, but I couldn't even read up close without my distance-correcting glasses, not to mention my rediculous astigmatism.

This morning when I woke up, each eye is better than 20/20 individually, and both together are 20/15. Without glasses. Without contacts. My own eyes. For the first time...
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thanx for commenting on my set
merry christmas! kiss

skull skull skull
Best. Article. Ever.
Thank you, Canada, for pointing out daily how hopeless my country really is.

WARNING: Yet MORE politics ahead.

This article is well worth reading--quite long, but worth the effort. It's gotten me all fired up. Here's an exerpt:

"So how do we live and what are we for? Look around you, urbanite, at the multiplicity of cultures, ethnicities, and tribes that are...
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seeing is a good thing
ouch, surgery...hope that all goes well for ya.....seeing is for sure a happy thing.....dont worry, I'll raise a drink to ya.... biggrin

skull skull skull
Now, to replace the whiny, introspective entry from last night...

Who had another fucking 4.0 semester? ME, BITCH! HAHA I win. Merry fucking Christmas. I love me.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.
Excellent discussion in the God/Science thread. Very well thought out points - thanks for participating! smile
Every once in a while, I feel an intense, undirected, unrequited love. I don't know where it's from, or what it means, but I just sit here with this overwhelming feeling of "I love." I don't know how better to describe it. On one hand, it's intensely lonely, because it's only when I am the most completely alone that I feel it, but at the...
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So I love hopelessly.

Youre not alone in feeling that way. Just dont ever think love itself is hopeless.

And just when you think no one cares slap yourself silly and remember that there is a silly lil monkey just west of you who does.
That was a metric ton of fun. smile The party at Saida's was awesome. Since Jade didn't show up (*sticks tongue out*), I went in knowing absolutely no one, but had a blast anyway. Good company, good food, great time.

Also, go Irish for beating the Brits at air hockey. smile
I was supposed to tell you JADE said Hi, and I still dont' even know if I saw you!! I am so super sorry. She was so PO'd that I failed in the only thing she asked me to do (that night, at least). So, ummm, yeah, Jade says HI!!!!
Yeah man, the irish kicked arse. haha.