*looks at watch* I have roughly 50 hours in which to teach myself semiconductor physics and chemistry as it relates to photoresist development in order to give a presentation on said topic. tongue Woohoo!

Anyway, reading Chapter 13 of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was quite an experience. The general idea is that there is a great distinction between actual education and the locations...
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if you're interested in interdiscplinary work Paul Churchland and Patricia Churchland are pretty heavy into that stuff. Patricia does her work in something called nuerophilosophy.
Sounds intriguing. I'll check them out over break.
I think I'm going to invest in a sled to come back from classes in. One thing combat boots are very much not good for is traction, and for the next 4 months, I'm going to be slipping and sliding up and down 90-odd steps to and from classes. A sled would at least take care of the downhill venture, and it's much more entertaining...
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It sounds like you haven't got the right soles on your boots. Most combat boots I've come across have some kind of lame smooth soles, but if you take them in to get re-soled, you could get some lumberjack-style treads put on. It costs a rather considerable amount of money, but less than a new pair of boots, and I'm guessing it might be more palatable to you than eeek having to wear a *different* pair of boots!!! wink
*chuckles* Yes, but there's also a laziness factor shoved in there. Though at this point I'm going to have to start ordering online anyway--all the army surpluses around me have closed down.
This site is single-handedly making me fall behind in my classes, and at the end of the semester at that!

...Did I say I was complaining? biggrin

Anyway... now to write three one-page philosophy/Ancient Greece "reflections." Then prepare to teach tomorrow.

This is all assuming that I can rip myself away from the groups long enough.

Addendum: I'm performing the abolve philosophizing whilst listening to The...
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"You have no friends. Ha ha."

Story of my life. Even SG is making fun of me! *grins*

Just got my CS exam back. By some miracle of the gods, I got an A.

On a more related note, I think I'm going to drive up to Ottawa after break and get that tattoo that I want. Feel free to recommend parlors in Ottawa (preferably...
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Note to self: Sleep is good.

After I said I didn't have time for this right now, I spent about 5 hours here. Now I'm that much farther behind on actual homework. GAH!

Oh, blessed Internet, how I hate thee at times.
From the sense of community that I'm seeing in this place, joining this may be one of the best things I've done in years. I'm looking forward to finding the time to network a bit. :p However, finding time is a bit of a lofty goal at the moment, so we shall see. (Likewise, picture to come when said time is found.)

Feel free to...
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