Something tells me that this is going to be simply amazing.

I always had a problem with the first movie they made of it. The novel is actually rather dark, and while Gene Wilder is great and all, Willy Wonka was not a bright, cheery, benevolent character. The fact that Tim Burton is directing the new one and Johnny Depp is going to play Willy...
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You never get over your first true love.

Or at least, I don't.

It's been almost 3 years since the day ... well, that day. Gods, I miss her. I still love her. No, I am still in love with her. I always will be.

It's strange. Knowing that there is not even a sliver of hope that we could ever be together again actually...
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Ooooh, you're making a mistake. Turn back now, this does not work in the long run.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

I'd trade of all my tomorrows for one single yesterday...

When feeling good was good enough for me..."

Three weeks, one summer, five years ago. All I had to do was to kill one cop and we could've been living happily in Brazil ever since. Now somewhere in Pittsburgh tonight a pair of blue eyes once bright enough to melt your soul are clouded over and my artist/scientist/philosopher/adventurer vampire twin of the apocalypse has been reduced to yet another happy "healthy" yuppie vegtable, courtsey of the police state of Pennsylvania, lots of people made lots of money and furthered lots of political interests and the one person who had the power to set the record straight but didn't is now secretary of the department of homeland security. I'm sorry, but I think I win...

skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull

...Or at least that I'm qualified to tell you that this road leads to nowhere. Don't spend your life moving away from something, spend it moving toward something. Ah, but what's left that worth moving toward after you've already had the greatest thing ever and lost it? Well that's the question.

I guess I'll have to settle for world conquest, tho even that might be a hollow victory. But I figure somebody's going to conquer the world, so it might as well be me. I know there's plenty of worse people it could be... blackeyed

[Edited on Dec 28, 2003 11:19PM]
hmm...I love that song.

So sad, I wish someone felt that way about me. Maybe there is someone out there right now missing and loving me. I doubt it, but I can dream. Who knows she might be thinking the exact same thing about you.

Christmas this year was, indeed, Merry. And not the Meriadoc Brandybuck kind either--I managed to spend the entire day without LotR references until now. wink

However, now and again I tend to amuse myself. My away message for yesterday and today, for those of you who have not seen it, has been:

"off celebrating the birth of some guy that just got killed anyway...some jolly fat...
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Glad to hear your holidays are going well. I'm actually not doing that bad. I just don't enjoy being sick that's all. Good luck in the new semester.
E-gads! (Like gads, but...uh...online. Or something.) That was a barrel of fun. Met quite a few people that I'd never met before--namely, everyone that showed up, seeing as I was there the whole time. And worth every second of it. (Haven't finished trying to add people yet--I got distracted. What can I say?)

I had no idea what to expect. It was my first SG...
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I damn near forgot the conversation we were having about "Adaptation". Glad you got to see it. Self-referencing movies, books, songs always make my day. And usually makes any of the weaknesses that may appear forgivable, which was surely the case with this film.

it was awesome to meet you. you're one cool cat wink

if you think Aphex Twin is crazy listen to mu-ziq... oh my god... that guy is zhe-nuts

well, merry christmas smile
SomethingPositive is a classy fucking comic. Classy enough, in fact, for me! smile

If the most recent one doesn't make you cringe, go back and read the first one. It'll get you ..heh heh.. hooked. *LOL* Man, I should really pay for that one. Seriously. Burning in hell is eminent.
Still out of commission. Just posting as to why.

I've been virtually dead since Saturday. Fever between 100 and 105. So weak that walking to the other side of my (small) house makes me want to lay down and take a nap, so walking to my laptop hasn't exactly been a priority. Nor has sitting up at it for long even when I do make...
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I hope you feel better soon!

Quick update...

Of the three major assignments and four finals, so far I've finished 2 of the assignments and have taken 1 final. I have three finals, none of which I've had time to study for, back to fucking back tomorrow, before which I have to proctor. And right now I'm having trouble staying awake.

Roll to see if I'm getting drunk!
HaHa, Thanks! kiss
I will try to upload pictures of the puppy this weekend. I know I said that last weekend but this time I will. wink
The only reason I even put those pictures up of me is because I was really bored at work and I figured people might want to know what I look like. Anyways, I have to get back to work. Bye tongue

How much is it to ask for the ONE coffee shop in town to be open past 6pm? At least during finals week. How pathetic is this little shit town?
Wow. This is amazing.

I was just in a little coffee shop near here getting some Oregon Chai (nectar of the gods), and decided to peruse the attached record store. I rarely do this, as it is one of those small, fancy record stores that sells CD's for $16-18 that I can get on amazon.com for $12-14. However, sometimes they have some good used CD's...
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I got hooked up at the local record store the other day too. I went in to buy a couple videos and kill some time. I asked about this new Charlie Parker tribute CD and the guy opened up a brand new copy just so I could listen to it. So after I picked up that and another album from the listening station I asked about any new recommendations. (They already know me at every indie record shop in town + Best Buy). Steve the sales guy says hang on a, disappears for about 5 minutes, and comes back with about 10 full length compilation samplers for me to just take. I guess it pays to be known on the scene around here.

Anyway, that oughtta hold me for about 2 weeks. Plus I bought the "No Thanks!" boxed set last week that I haven't finished listening to yet. (A mandatory purchase if you claim to know anything about punk rock by the way).

You seem like a pretty cool dude, maybe we should be friends. Hopefully I'll see you in Columbus on the 20th.
My dog was half irish setter, but all he got from his mom was his beautiful blonde coat (which played hell with my black wardrobe, but it was worth it). His father was half German shepherd, half malamute. He had the build of a 'mute with a face sort of a mix between shepherd and wolf. It'll be a few weeks before I can get my hands on both a picture and a scanner, though.
HaHa! I know exactly what you mean about the dog hair. Hendrix sheds all over the house and of course my favorite color to wear is black. Ive just learned to live with it and buy lots of those sticky brushes. The price you pay for having such a pretty dog.

Her physical presence there in the car, his car, was quite extraordinary to Arthur. He felt, as he let the car pull slowly away, that he could hardly think or breathe, and hoped that neither of these funcitons was vital to his driving or they were in trouble.

So what he had experienced in the other car, her brother's car, the night he had returned...
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I'm not entirely sure whether to be proud of myself or to feel like the biggest geek on the planet (or both).

I was working on my presentation and decided I needed a break from staring at properties of good photoresists and the mechanism of transition metal initiated addition polymerization, so I went to a colloquium presented by a professor here on simplifying deductive proofs...
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