I don't know your fucking name, so what? let's fuck

I've had ADIDAS stuck in my head for two days now. Wonder why?

..I blame SG! Yeah, that's it!
great song. =)
Note to self: two all-nighters in 4 days is not a very good idea, especially when the two nights in between consisted of 4-5 hours each of very drunk sleep.

What a way to start off the week.
Sounds like college life to me. smile

Wait, what am I saying...I did all those things too...and look where it got me...kicked out.

Well, still sounds like college life to me.
Definatly sounds like fun to mebiggrin Hey have you tried FFXI yet?
I don't regret anything. However, hindsight being 20/20, I almost wish I had never sent the first message, as much as I value the friendship. The life is being sucked out of me a little more every day and I can't stop it. The last time this happened, I almost died, and I came out with quite a few new scars on my arm.

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I was just told that there's not much chance that I won't get into MIT or anywhere else I could want to go for grad school if I just sit down and fill out the fucking applications.

I'm completely disoriented right now.

I'm having trouble forming coherent sentences. So, uh, I'll shut up now.

Just thought I'd share.
good luck with filling out applications.. that's the sort of fun that kills your brain.

[made worse by the fact that before i corrected it -- i wrote "philling out applications.." ouch!]
thanks for the welcome :d. Yeah i thought the fuzzy slippers just made the whole "dress" thing much more fun,well i mean it's fun anyways..tongue. I hear your a pretty rocking guy yourself. I hope honney will work on your tattoo that your looking at getting, he is more than a talented artist he's amazing love . good luck with the aplications.

[Edited on Apr 04, 2004 10:36AM]
Well, I decided that I can't really afford the tattoo I wanted just yet. So instead I'm thinking of getting a small spade on the underside of my wrist, possibly a pair (one on each wrist). Would be fitting.

Any thoughts?
what would the spades represent to you? and do you think they'll have the same meaning in 20 years? i can't have an opinion until i know. =)
I put the "hopeless" in hopeless romantic.

Also, a corollary:
I'm like the world's most retarded hamster. Dangle something I want in front of me and I'll spin the wheel until you have to replace the hinges, even after you take away whatever it is I was running after in the first place.
I don't even know why I try sometimes.

The only thing in my life that is ever not too good to be true is the niche I've plowed for myself here, and even that won't last.

I once said, "Live solely in the present, worrying not about either past nor future, for only being happy this moment can truly pave the way for happiness in...
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past and future give a balancing context to the present--especially if the present is over- or under- whelming. ideally, there should be a balance of past-present-future where one learns from, experiences, and then plans ahead for.

i suppose "worrying not" doesn't necessarily equal "not being aware of" as i first read it, but everything is about context. if the big things suck, start enjoying the little things until you get the big things straightened out. frame your mind to make the things that you have the things that you're content to deal with until you get what you want.

good luck. =) (i just woke up, so that might have been incoherent. i apologize)
Life can't be made of magical moments all the time. Don't think of it as the great moments making the next seem dull... Instead, think of the dull moments making the past and future great moments seem that much better. wink

Thank you for all the comments and support these past weeks/days. It meant a lot to me to see I have wonderful people there for me. kiss
I get to find out what it's like to be a nomad for the first two weeks of May! Going to be living out of my car for 14-17 days, depending on how things work out. I'm definitely going to Lowell for several days, and hopefully Geneseo, but I have no idea how much more time, if any, that will leave me.

The moral of...
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Hmm living in a car is way cool, but not really having a shower sucks. I would say come by my place for a place to crash but I'm not in the northeast.
I'm back! Though now I'm also back to having NO time whatsoever. I wish I could go back and read the 4 or so days' worth of journal entries that I missed, but unfortunately I can't.

Had an amazing break, partially thanks to several of you reading this. The middle of it was quite physically relaxing, which was very necessary, and the latter was excellent...
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Any artists out there, I have a favor to ask. I would dearly love to have this redrawn with four leaves, preferably retaining some form of stem (otherwise it'd just look like a random Celtic design and not a 4-leaf clover). I technically also want text under it that says "Luck o' the Irish", preferably in some form of olde english font, but I can...
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hahahah. your infatuation with lab coats is almost unhealthy! thank you for the nice words. i'll make sure that if i make SG i'll work one into a set for you. wink

oh, and i wore my own big green fuzzy jacket out tonight. they're the best.
anxious to get back to the lab yet?
Awesome weekend. smile Damned glad I decided to go. I needed that. And thanks again to Stirfry for putting up with us yet again! Don't really have a lot of time to update at the moment, though--perhaps later.

It's good to relax. smile Now I just need a back massage and life will be grand. Like the ice cream, but better.

Edited on 3-15 to add:

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damn that sucks.
i hope oni can come through.
yeah, people have told me that before.... hmm. maybe you're right surreal

dude, it sucks i couldn't go to the party. i miss you guys frown but i'm glad you had fun biggrin