so apparently it is April and that means it is time for the annual rum festival. thank god, an entire day of trying different rums from around the world all in a 7 hour time period which is more than enough time. After an entire year of working my ass off it is about time for a drunken break. Any one that Is around the...
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what am I doing on a monday night you ask? Just sitting here drinking absinthe and looking at some gorgeous women. Thats it.


I wonder if any one else has to deal with this loud screeching that I constantly hear. I know I have tinnitus but come on you would think that after having it for 20 years or so it would lessen a little but honestly I think it has persistently gotten louder to the point that now I am laying in bed awake because this damn...
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So I quit smoking a year and 3 months ago and here I am sitting at a bar with every mother fucking person at it smoking. But at least this is my tenth scotch and I am still sober enough for everything and am still under $40. So whatever


So here is a little story. Around November of last year I heard a girl needed some help, she was broke and her car had engine trouble, so me being the nice guy that I was offered to help her out. I gave her some money and calmed her down as a matter of fact I gave her half of the total amount of her...
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Oh dude that sucks. Sometimes being nice can really bite you in the ass, but don't give up! Some of us women are actually nice too and appreciate guys like you.

so with Obama's new healthcare law I had to get insurance, not a problem. I went to the doctor for the first time in my adult life last month, still not a problem. Had a bunch of tests done, still no problem. Then I hear this out of the doctors mouth "what the?", ok problem.


So I was reading some lovely ladies tattoos and came across the best most honest saying I think I have ever read anywhere it said "the only thing we ever want is more" and on that subject I am going to just say its a fact. I could go into such a long blog about this but ehh....


thank the world that it is the end of the year. No more traveling at 2am to go 4 hours away just to see a part of my family that I would rather not see. No more dragging my daughter into the car while she is sleeping just so I can drive straight there without making 1,001 pit stops. No more interruptions in my normal...
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to whatever you celebrate around this time of year I hope you enjoy it


sigh why do i even try to make my life better or try to include any one else in it