Whoa! Is is it labor day already? Where did the summer go? Hope all of you in SG land had a great one, i know I did. But who is it really to say tha summer is just over yet. I'm hoping that we have our indian summer up here in the bay area like mother nature promises us. Now you kids have a great...
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Please come.
Hey, I think I got a couple texts from you a while back, but wasn't sure... was it?
Well how fuckin' lame is this kat!!!? I feel like been leaving all you poor folks neglected for some time now. Super sorry my friends; it's summer and I'm not much in front of this crazy ol' computer screen. But I thought I'd touch base and let ya'll know that I'm still kickin' and doin it well. Been stickin around the bay area just enjoying...
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Happy Birthday, D!!
Yes, I'm late with birthday wishes.... HOW WAS IT!?
And a big fuck yeah to fixed gear riders. We're tough.
And a big fuck yeah to fixed gear riders. We're tough.

Good day......chillin on a saturd day afternoon, reading the 'The Phrophet' by Kahlil gibran, heavy duty reading..on a light day.....yup.

It was cool to see you for a second the other night... sorry I didn't recognize you at first. Did you like the film?
thank ya! i'm bringing fresh berries to your house on sunday afternoon or evening - be prepared to make pancakes! 

Can't believe my weekend left so quick, just to hop onto the monday monkey train. Pretty overwhelmed with all my procrastination these days so much that I've been forgetten what the hell I'm procratinatn' about. Sheeeeesh!
I've workin on shoots for almost 10 wks off and on and been goin out just as much; on top of which I've had 2 crowns put in...
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Can't believe my weekend left so quick, just to hop onto the monday monkey train. Pretty overwhelmed with all my procrastination these days so much that I've been forgetten what the hell I'm procratinatn' about. Sheeeeesh!
I've workin on shoots for almost 10 wks off and on and been goin out just as much; on top of which I've had 2 crowns put in...
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helllll yeah! i leave tuesday, oh gosh.
Football! Sophie and I are going to Deutchland for the elimination stage of the World Cup.
We're gambling that the Fatherland will go far and we can all party like it's 1999 -- call me a cynic, but I don't expect the US to emerge from group play. It would make me very happy if we could beat out Italy to do so, however, so I'll be rooting for Sam's Side, but I think we're a bit overrated and won't be sneaking up on anyone this time.
Re: burnout-- it is TOTALLY going around. I've been trying to finish these three projects that were supposed to be finished the first of May-- they're still all alive. I need a week or two to recharge, and I just can't get the time! My buddy I work with is in the exact same boat. It sucks for creatives, I think, because you *know* that you're just tapped out creatively, and therefore doing subpar work (and by 'you' I mean 'me'), but what can you do? You are on deadline, and you have to soldier on anyway. It's bad for the creative, bad for the project and bad for the client, but the only fix is to get some peace.

Re: burnout-- it is TOTALLY going around. I've been trying to finish these three projects that were supposed to be finished the first of May-- they're still all alive. I need a week or two to recharge, and I just can't get the time! My buddy I work with is in the exact same boat. It sucks for creatives, I think, because you *know* that you're just tapped out creatively, and therefore doing subpar work (and by 'you' I mean 'me'), but what can you do? You are on deadline, and you have to soldier on anyway. It's bad for the creative, bad for the project and bad for the client, but the only fix is to get some peace.
Everything IS everything...

i've been having odd dreams! two nights ago, i had a dream that marr & i were at some house party, making fun of how much sam jacks off. last night i had a dream that i was hanging out with my "slow" cousin & you stopped by with this smokin hot date - she was all dressed up in this tight sexy dress & everything. so we were all just kickin it & your date lady had to leave, and on her way out, i noticed that her dress did not cover her ass cheeks, haha!
please tell me that's a lauryn hill post.
also, of COURSE. i'll be sure to announce when it's finished, then send me your address. otherwise i'll lose it or forget to mail it.
also, of COURSE. i'll be sure to announce when it's finished, then send me your address. otherwise i'll lose it or forget to mail it.
Pool parties, late nite bbqs and a little Sapranos with some of the best deep dish pizza and friends to boot......life is good.

Dude! did you grow a moustache??

Hope ya'll in the bay area had one awesome sunny throw down of a week......keep hope alive!!

I'll make this short and quick..........WILL THIS FUCKIN' RAIN EVER STOP!!! Global Warming is upon us......ride a bike.
In other news.......I'm getting some acupuncture again today....I highly recommend it to one and all. It's an amazing cure to what ills ya.
In other news.......I'm getting some acupuncture again today....I highly recommend it to one and all. It's an amazing cure to what ills ya.

Global Warming is so real it's scarry. The world is coming to an end and it makes me sad.

aha, the rain stopped! but as soon as you know it we're gonna have a sizzling heatwave that will probably kill a bunch of people. global warming indeed. 

I'm addicted to oatmeal!!

oh i forgot to tell you! the other night i had a dream that i met up with you in some sort of park type place & we went to meet some lady that you used to date because you two had a baby together & it was your turn for visitation. she gave you the baby, which was teeny tiny!! you sat down to play with the baby & i was chatting with the lady for a little while. then she left & i wandered off in the park & i found a bunch of my samoan relatives dressed all preppy & playing la cross & croquet & stuff like that.

yes i finally have electricity!
no talking backwards, but the weather was perfect & there were all these cute frank lloyd wright type buildings in the park that were designed to look sort of organic & looked like they just popped up out of the landscape. it was cool!
no talking backwards, but the weather was perfect & there were all these cute frank lloyd wright type buildings in the park that were designed to look sort of organic & looked like they just popped up out of the landscape. it was cool!
SF is WET WET WET WET WET........In so many ways.....

thanks for the lovely pics! let's definitely do more 

ya in a loy of ways indeed