frown unfortunately i just heard about Dimebags death, and I hope he's doin some killer body shots off the hot lil waitresses in heaven heh.....I am just glad I got to see him and damageplan perform live before he was taken.

R.I.P Daryl
thanx. ya ive been watching the glove auctions for awhile. but the best ones ive seen are @

rip dimebag
WOohoo, finally got sum more ink done on my leg piece, coming along nicely i might say, a little slow, but hey its "almost" free tongue. And woohoo another person added me as a friend I feel so loved! blush. Finally sum live music is comin ta town, get ta go see Dry kill logic on Tuesday, they arent the best but i really startin...
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Dry kill logic is bada$$! I have some of their demos from when they were hinge and hinge ad and of course they're not coming through phx! Devils biggrin
Jessica biel is ok, I love her nose and she was fantastic in texas chainsaw. By the way I loved the movie immensely! Its all about hannibal king!!!
Woohoo!!! heh sum1 added me as a friend, lol I got fired on thanksgiving for tellin a friend that a co-worker could kiss my assmad. WHat is the world coming too! when a person cant even say someone can kiss his/her ass, way to many candyasses out there these days so watch out all my loudmouthed brothers and sisters!
Hhahhahha this entry goes hand in hand with mine! I'm glad I'm not the only one! biggrin
damn I luv getting tattooed at Remotes, especially when its at a bar, cuz ya can drink and get ink all at the same time. biggrin
Hmmm 1st entry what to say what to say. hell i dunno, life is boring as usual, is nice to have something beautiful to look at, and what more beautiful than a womans body.
Damn why are women so damn EVIL!!!!!