Had one of those nights wherein decent slumber is interrupted by 3 hours of unexplainable inability to fall asleep once again.
I was stressed about a girl. A girl! Pathetic...
I am
Now I have to go run, I have to. It's on my schedule.
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. Every week. I am going to die.
Why have I become addicted to this perverse little site?
I have things to do!
Back later.
Part 2....
(Later, that same night...)
People accuse me all the time of being a little off. It feels good to know that I'm not alone in my lack of sanity on this site, but rather "out-insaned" as it were by at least a couple of people. Maybe more. They know who they are. Everyone else can read the comments....
I was stressed about a girl. A girl! Pathetic...
I am
Now I have to go run, I have to. It's on my schedule.
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. Every week. I am going to die.
Why have I become addicted to this perverse little site?
I have things to do!
Back later.
Part 2....
(Later, that same night...)
People accuse me all the time of being a little off. It feels good to know that I'm not alone in my lack of sanity on this site, but rather "out-insaned" as it were by at least a couple of people. Maybe more. They know who they are. Everyone else can read the comments....
I think that you are right.... I haven't had a touchy feely sort of roommate in quite some time. Sounds nice.
when shall I expect you?