Yesterday I posted a note on my page on the infamous Facebook about the NFL's player safety rules. Now I have been posting there fairly often concerning my political ideals and such, and the most amazing this is that hardly anyone comments on the political posts, but my NFL post got about 5 times as much attention.

So we are more concerned with multimillion dollar...
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These are sad times, indeed. With very skewed priorities. However, I think a lot of people refrain from commenting on political posts because of the "flame factor." I know that is what stays my hand/tongue. Because some of the people I care about are diametrically opposed to me politically... and are far more verbose (and venomous) in their opinions... I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. I dislike getting snarky comments. They upset me. It's chickenshit, I know. But that's why I never (or almost never) discuss politics on social networking sites. bok

I actually came here to thank you. Your comment yesterday brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart. I am deeply grateful. I won't give up. At least not completely. Blessed be, my friend.
I understand why most people don't comment, I do. But the problem is, if we continue to proceed with our heads in the sand, and refuse to voice our opinions and our beliefs, then we are doing a great disservice to the very ideals our forefathers fought and died for. Freedom is our only refuge, and our voice is the mortar that holds together the walls of liberty, and if we refuse that grave and honorable duty, then we help to weaken those walls. I am not trying to encourage breakdown in relationships, and I am not trying to destroy friendships, love affairs, or partnerships because of opinions.

But it is our greatest power and our last hope to talk and speak and voice our desires and our dislikes that will make this great nation move forward. Silence will destroy us, because if we do nothing, and the vultures and wolves who infiltrate our government to use it for their own concerns and desires come to power, then we end up in a worse place than before, and words that may have been become action in the form of violence, rebellion, and hatred.

I will not look down on your choice, for I do understand why you make it. I have lost many friends because of my views and my beliefs (politically AND spiritually). And many many times I hold my tongue as well. I hope you don't get upset at my comment here.
Apparently this country is in serious turmoil.

And I don't think anyone really knows it. Or cares.

IN this upcoming election in November, there are no moderate candidates. They seem to be all extremist conservative or liberal, with no in between, and almost 97% of them are only bashing other candidates.

I actually took the time to write to the political offices of 13 different...
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So I was just thinking to myself, I love the photo set of SGs that have a smiling laughing woman in them. You don't need to be pouty, half-mouth-open, angry looking to be a sexy model. And it's not just here in SG either. I see this in photo sets of any type anywhere, either mundane, boudoir, or artsy. The female AND male models all...
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People have become far too petty I think.

I have a friend - well, a couple of friends - who are going through a divorce. I don't understand it, I probably never will, and I am not going to make any judgments on them. Either of them. Whether it seems fair, or whether it's being cruel is not my place to talk about.

However, everyone...
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I find it disheartening and deeply disturbing that the culture of blame has become so entrenched that humans have begun to forget their humanity. In times of divorce and distress, you would think we could all rise above and just be supportive. To keep our hearts and minds open. But the lust for drama and the need to blame seem to override basic humanity in many people. It is a crying shame. frown
Too true. Alas . . . . it is a sign of our times. Confucius just shoulda kept quiet . . . .
A prayer was answered and I got the CDs. Now at least, this weekend can go forward, and i can breathe a little easier.
Well I'm an idiot. I needed to order CDs for this weekend and I did, but in a mental moment I ordered via Media Mail instead of UPS Ground. Now there is a great probability I won't have any CDs to sell this weekend. I am an idiot.frown
You are welcome.
So . . . . . . There is a drug out there for asthma, that can increase the risk of asthma related death, and once you are on it, you cannot stop it without the possibility of a loss of physical control, or even death.

Are you kidding me?

Good and evil.

What are they? Are they real? Individual entities made purely of one or the other?

I get asked questions like this all the time, as if I am some kind of guru able to answer such queries. I am most certainly no priest, at least not like any priest who is gonna be able to give you an answer you will simply...
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Didactic Chronology.

An interesting phrase, really.

You can look at it two ways . . . . meaningful time or boring time. I really don't know why the words popped into my head, but they did, and now I have to deal with them.

I see it as 'instructive time'. Time teaches us many things as long as we have the patience to learn them....
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Good to know that someone else remembers
'trickle down' is a scam.
Yeah, trickle down is good for about three people, and we aren't one of them. Thanks for the comment!
I am often amazed at the simple messages life throws at you. You look for signs, read for portents, dig for answers, and all the time, they were right in front of you. Sometimes we simply don't see it. Until it simply slaps you in the face, of course.

Too many of us walk through life shrouded in fear, and cower from opportunity because of...
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