If no one has seen Vanessa's new set, Fell to Earth, go see it and leave her some love. It's awesome, and she's just the sweetest and most adorable gal! I love 'Nessa!
This was quite a busy weekend. Not busy as in have to do stuff, but wanna do stuff. Friday night I went out w/a couple of my friends and had a blast. I drank way too many Jager shots, but it was fun & crazy to say the least.
Saturday night was Purgatory I went to with w/the same friends plus one Mandalic. It was so awesome! Purgatory is like a real life place I can go to that resembles a place I go to in my dreams sometimes...people dressed in goth, lots of flashing lights & sexy dancers, and techno/industrial music! I really didn't have that much to drink accept regular coke, and well...one shot of Jager that took me 4 times to get down. My stomach was a little queasy still from overdoing it the night before. I also did meet a really cute & sweet guy whom I danced with most of the night. He was so yummy...I just wanted to keep on squeezin him! We danced so much my hair was soaked, and I had sweat drippin down my face, into my eyes, and makin my eyes burn. It was hot as hell in there. When I got home I had to squirt the eyes out w/saline to get the black eyeliner out of my eyes. It was well worth it though. I think I lost about 10 lbs from sweating so much.
Then, Sunday eve I hung out w/Sadista & Marksy in their "hot tub" with some Miller Chill, Caramel Apple shots, and some tweakin' Marksy's "bot dots". Heehee! It's always great hangin out with them. They are the best! I can't believe I didn't take any photos this weekend! I guess I just really wanted to have fun for once and not have to lug around my camera.
So, I'm a little behind on posting pix, but here are some from the last weekend when we went out...
So, were did Monday go? Well, I spent Monday recovering and catching up on the sleep I missed partying all weekend. I hope to finish the drawing this week I'm doing for my next tat. I'm anxious to get it finished, but seems like I keep getting sidetracked. I want it to be a great one so I'm taking my time making it exactly like I want it. I feel like I've been so lazy lately. I have 2 baskets of clean laundry I haven't folded yet, my dogs need baths, and I'm still need to get caught up on my apt. cleaning.
Yup...still behind on that one, and I'm not surprised. And, damn, after I got home Sunday night and finally decided to go to bed I realized there were ants lurking around my nightstand in my bedroom. I have not seen any ants in this place since after I just moved here about a year and a half ago. So, I had to take everything off, wipe it down, move it, vacuum around it, and spray it all down with Clorox disinfectant. I have no idea where they might have come from because I haven't done anything that would have attracted them. I really think it's because my downstairs neighbor just recently moved out, and last week I walked by and saw her in there with the door open cleaning. I believe that must have forced her ants up to my apt. (She didn't strike me as a very clean kind of person when she lived here.) Anyway, I think that got rid of them. I'll get some ant spray from the store next time I'm out to spray around all the baseboards just to make sure they don't try to take up residence in my apt.
**EDIT** 10:30am===> GODDAMN ANTS!!! I guess I'm off to Walmart for some bug spray! Grrrrrrrr!
Well, I guess that's all for now. Goin to eat some breakfast, then walk my doggies. Gotta get focused, and do some cleaning, drawing, and working on a video today.
Ciao for now Bay-beez!
Ugh, ants. If you can find the trail where they're coming in, try sprinkling a line of cayenne pepper there. Supposedly it's a deterrent. And diamotaceous earth...I think you can get it at Lowe's...it's a natural non-toxic bug killer/deterrent. Safe around puppies!
I like your new name! As you get used to it, it will be hard to remember to log in under your old name, haha.
...and no I haven't gotten the Cure tix yet...I will probably wait till the last minute, but I'm not worried cause I really don't think the Cure can sell out Bobcats Arena, but I am DEFINITELY going.
Ha Ha!