So, I decided I didn't really like one of the women very much. She's nice and all, but she's a bit of an arrogant intellectual. I like intelligent people, but I don't like when they try to over prove it, or make you feel dumb for not being as knowledgable about things.
The other one, I dunno, I still talk to her a little bit, but we haven't made plans to do anything since our first date. And I don't know if she's just not into me, or my brain is telling me that, or if she's just really busy. She has 5 15-hour days (12 hours of work, and the other 3 is commute). So I dunno, but we'll see I guess.
I'm feeling discouraged, but I'm going to accept that as natural and just push through it.
And seeing that other girl, the one I used to work with, has brought up old feelings, and I can't stop thinking about her. It's frustrating lol
The other one, I dunno, I still talk to her a little bit, but we haven't made plans to do anything since our first date. And I don't know if she's just not into me, or my brain is telling me that, or if she's just really busy. She has 5 15-hour days (12 hours of work, and the other 3 is commute). So I dunno, but we'll see I guess.
I'm feeling discouraged, but I'm going to accept that as natural and just push through it.
And seeing that other girl, the one I used to work with, has brought up old feelings, and I can't stop thinking about her. It's frustrating lol
So basically she's like some of the chick on SG then? 

It's nice to have options.