Oh god I can't wait to get my medical insurance. I desperately need some kind of anti depressant, and I really need to start therapy. I am only getting worse and worse.
I'm completely alone in the world. I feel like no one understands me, and most people don't like me.
I'm at the lowest point I've ever been in my life. Completely miserable. I feel like I don't deserve to have anything good happen to me.
And I hate going on about it on here. It's no one else's problem but mine. I'm aware there are people in this world who have it way worse than I do. But I don't have any other place to vent but here. Even here I don't feel like I can vent everything. And I can't burden anyone with my problems. Why should they care, they have their own issues to worry about. It would be selfish of me to drop my issues in anyone. At least a therapist is getting paid to do it
I just hate my life, I hate myself. Makes me understand why most people I meet hate me
I'm completely alone in the world. I feel like no one understands me, and most people don't like me.
I'm at the lowest point I've ever been in my life. Completely miserable. I feel like I don't deserve to have anything good happen to me.
And I hate going on about it on here. It's no one else's problem but mine. I'm aware there are people in this world who have it way worse than I do. But I don't have any other place to vent but here. Even here I don't feel like I can vent everything. And I can't burden anyone with my problems. Why should they care, they have their own issues to worry about. It would be selfish of me to drop my issues in anyone. At least a therapist is getting paid to do it
I just hate my life, I hate myself. Makes me understand why most people I meet hate me
I know what it feels like to be alone. I know what it feels like to be miserable.
I'm here.
All I can say is vent all you want! Just get it the fuck out. Even if nobody reads it- at least it's out of your system.