Comic Con was fun again this year. Unfortunately, we didnt get to see any panels this year, because the lines were REDICULOUS. Like, mile long lines. no exaggeration. I was really bummed. The ONLY panel i REALLY REALLY didnt want to miss this year was the Firefly 10-year anniversary panel. With Joss Whedon and the entire main cast reunited. I heard Whedon actually teared up at the fan reaction/standing ovation. I am beyond bummed i missed that.
Celebrities we saw this year (without the quick enough reflexes to take a photo in most cases) in no specific order: Stan Lee, Morgan Spurlock, Walter Jones the Black Power Ranger, David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Lou Ferigno, Chris Hardwick, Jessica Chobot, and probably more i'm blanking on.
And here's a bunch of photos (and again, i took WAY less than i intended to):

1st appearances of Superman, Batman, Spider-man and Wolverine:

All of the Batmobiles parked outside (notice Jessica Chobot from and G4TV in one of the pics. We didnt even notice her until we looked at the photos afterwards lol. Thus is the draw of the Batmobiles.)

Blurry pics of celebs:
Stan Lee on stage with the Iron Man suits in publicity for Iron Man 3

David Boreanaz (and Emily Deschanel was sitting next to him, but someone blocked my shot)

Some of the Sideshow Collectibles stuff:

Hobbit/Lord of the Rings stuff:

Walking Dead promo stuff:

Some sketches i got from Jeph Jacques from Questionable Content:

Birthday Party at Castle Greyskull?

I met and briefly talked with Sash and showed her the fan art i drew of her

Some merch i got:
Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect 3

Joss Whedon figurine (came free with a DVD lol):

Misc other pics taken around the convention center:

Next year, we are going to try even harder to buy badges for more than just one day, so that we can actually have time to wait in those crazy ass fucking lines for the panels.
Good times.
Celebrities we saw this year (without the quick enough reflexes to take a photo in most cases) in no specific order: Stan Lee, Morgan Spurlock, Walter Jones the Black Power Ranger, David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Lou Ferigno, Chris Hardwick, Jessica Chobot, and probably more i'm blanking on.
And here's a bunch of photos (and again, i took WAY less than i intended to):

1st appearances of Superman, Batman, Spider-man and Wolverine:

All of the Batmobiles parked outside (notice Jessica Chobot from and G4TV in one of the pics. We didnt even notice her until we looked at the photos afterwards lol. Thus is the draw of the Batmobiles.)

Blurry pics of celebs:
Stan Lee on stage with the Iron Man suits in publicity for Iron Man 3

David Boreanaz (and Emily Deschanel was sitting next to him, but someone blocked my shot)

Some of the Sideshow Collectibles stuff:

Hobbit/Lord of the Rings stuff:

Walking Dead promo stuff:

Some sketches i got from Jeph Jacques from Questionable Content:

Birthday Party at Castle Greyskull?

I met and briefly talked with Sash and showed her the fan art i drew of her

Some merch i got:
Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect 3

Joss Whedon figurine (came free with a DVD lol):

Misc other pics taken around the convention center:

Next year, we are going to try even harder to buy badges for more than just one day, so that we can actually have time to wait in those crazy ass fucking lines for the panels.
Good times.
But Con was rad wasn't it?