Do you ever find that a day can start well, be awesome and then in one moment, which is entirely incomprehensible at the time, turn into a clusterfuck?
We made love tonight. It was, well, great. It almost always is. This time, though, she let herself go. She stopped existing. There wasn't much in the way of ego there when it was all said and...
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We made love tonight. It was, well, great. It almost always is. This time, though, she let herself go. She stopped existing. There wasn't much in the way of ego there when it was all said and...
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Sometimes I feel like the only way I can say something is by dumping it on the Internet. This poses obvious problems. The nice thing about it all, though, is that I can use this as a way to get my thoughts straight. Figure out what is actually in this big ol' head of mine. I can also practise desHell, I don't have a choice....
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The problem with keeping memiors, I find, is that one tends to embellish the parts that are boring, misremember details, and generally be unaware of that which has been forgotten.
What we need, my friend, is for someone to Truman Show us, or maybe a really accurate space-time recording device. I say space-time because it sounds cool.
You should come visit me. But beware the munchkins.
What we need, my friend, is for someone to Truman Show us, or maybe a really accurate space-time recording device. I say space-time because it sounds cool.
You should come visit me. But beware the munchkins.
La, la la, la la. La.
I just watched Gonzaga beat another third-ranked team. That's two in like a week. Why are they ranked 21? Fuck it. Now I'm watching Oregon State embarrass Notre Dame. Again, why is it that my West Coast homies can't get no respect?
Speaking of no respect, what the fuck is up with women? I mean, I ask a girl...
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I just watched Gonzaga beat another third-ranked team. That's two in like a week. Why are they ranked 21? Fuck it. Now I'm watching Oregon State embarrass Notre Dame. Again, why is it that my West Coast homies can't get no respect?
Speaking of no respect, what the fuck is up with women? I mean, I ask a girl...
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Girls make you happier than gaming?
That's ten nerd points you lose, right there!
Girls make you happier than gaming?
That's ten nerd points you lose, right there!
So I'm over K. I mean, I still like her, and it's hard for me to know that she's downstairs with someone else instead of being here with me. That's just the way that she wants it, and that's kind of hard, too.
But tomorrow she leaves for Germany. She doesn't come back until January 6 or so. This space and time will, I hope,...
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But tomorrow she leaves for Germany. She doesn't come back until January 6 or so. This space and time will, I hope,...
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That's why I want to get the damn thing removed! It keeps making my brain all stupid.
"*insert me being a dumbshit to dunx*"
"Al, stop it, you're being moody."
"Fuck you, I am not being moody!"
"Yes you are, now just stop, okay?"
"I am not!"
... 5 minutes pass...
"God, you're right, I AM being moody. I'm sorry."
"Wow, I can't believe you actually admitted it."
Good luck with forgetting the lady. It's hard work.
"*insert me being a dumbshit to dunx*"
"Al, stop it, you're being moody."
"Fuck you, I am not being moody!"
"Yes you are, now just stop, okay?"
"I am not!"
... 5 minutes pass...
"God, you're right, I AM being moody. I'm sorry."
"Wow, I can't believe you actually admitted it."
Good luck with forgetting the lady. It's hard work.
Late response, but I'll have you know that the last time i fired a gun in the house, it wasn't even aimed at a living person.
Last night I levelled up. I've been trying for six months to reach a certain point in my meditation: the elimination of the first five senses, leaving only mind. I reached this point last night. It took me until 5:30am, but I did it. I was up before 10, feeling more rested than I have for some time.
I also feel much better about K,...
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I also feel much better about K,...
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If it makes you feel any better, I constantly find myself attracted to girls that like girls. Like, alla da time.
I'm sorry to hear about you and K. There's nothing I can say that will make the situation better, and no wisdom I can impart that will help the hurt. Except maybe: You're an awesome guy, and you will someday find the one who is the ying to your yang. I meant what I said so long ago in my journal entry to you, you know.
Uhm...this Molly...she isn't the Molly that is the sister of Viscious Koi, is she? Cuz if she is, I fear that you may soon be strangled by your own entrails. Just warning you.
Misses you!
I'm sorry to hear about you and K. There's nothing I can say that will make the situation better, and no wisdom I can impart that will help the hurt. Except maybe: You're an awesome guy, and you will someday find the one who is the ying to your yang. I meant what I said so long ago in my journal entry to you, you know.
Uhm...this Molly...she isn't the Molly that is the sister of Viscious Koi, is she? Cuz if she is, I fear that you may soon be strangled by your own entrails. Just warning you.
Misses you!
Yesterday was the Spring/Fall Thesis Parade. This is the day that those Reedies who finish in seven semesters or (much, much, much more likely) take one off hand in their babies/wives/dominatrices/theses. Then they party like it's 1999. There was a Beer Garden, and a band. There were crowds of elated folks who suddenly felt more alive than they had for quite some time. And, since...
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i wish they'd turn off our sun too.
it's way hot here. SOME WOULD SAY TOO HOT. and they'd be right! boo global warming.

I'm such a whore. But now I have someone to be a whore with, so it's all to the good, neh?
Yeah. Whatever.
Yeah. Whatever.
A Birthday Boy is YOU!

I was dead for a while. But now I'm alive again. It's fall break. The girl with the legs is away, in her Californian fortress of solitude. I missed hanging out with al at a mutual friend's birthday party, which was too freaking bad. I heard she rocked the joint, though, as she does.
I'm tired. A lot. I have stuff to do, places to...
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I'm tired. A lot. I have stuff to do, places to...
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re your thread in sgpdx
sorry dude. getting sick of having to repeat myself daily.
sorry dude. getting sick of having to repeat myself daily.
Legs? Nandesuka?
Clan of Blue Ferrets? Why are you Blue? Oh! Cuz you gotta have the Blue Hair. Right.
Miss you. Stay sane, Mr Busy Pants.
Wow. That sounds pretty awful. Busy Pants.
Clan of Blue Ferrets? Why are you Blue? Oh! Cuz you gotta have the Blue Hair. Right.
Miss you. Stay sane, Mr Busy Pants.
Wow. That sounds pretty awful. Busy Pants.
So my life's taken a bit of a wild turn.
Needless to say, it's hard to work on a qual while at the same time making out with a hot housemate.
I can't help but feel like I should feel bad. Fuck it all, but I don't.
I like it.
I also spent this afternoon working out (and doublechecking] the numbers for my first...
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Needless to say, it's hard to work on a qual while at the same time making out with a hot housemate.
I can't help but feel like I should feel bad. Fuck it all, but I don't.
I like it.
I also spent this afternoon working out (and doublechecking] the numbers for my first...
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Awesome. Just be sure to throw yourself into your work as fervently as you do your play, and everything should work out in the end. The trick is to balance your obsessions.
Does this new flame have a photograph?!?
Does this new flame have a photograph?!?
I will vouch on his behalf: she is indeed a hottie.