So i have just recently realized how fucking amazing the sense of smell is
and this is in no part saying that i never had it before, or i am just getting over a cold and am in awe of my once forgotten sense, it is just the last few days i have found certain scents that trigger some fucked up path in my head to remember some past memory, example, i have this oil shit that i put over a light to make my house smell good, cuz i smoke, but hate a house that smells like smoke(figure that one out) but anyways i goth this new kind that i just used the other night and for the longest time i was trying to figure out what it reminded me of, it's kinda old smelling so i thought maybe my grandma's perfume or some shit, but i was wrong, all of a sudden it dawned on me, it reminded me of this little plastic doctors bag i had when i was a kid and it use to be filled with random toys, but there was at one time some sort of powder in it and it had exploded so this is the sent that i now am smelling, but this case of sorts, i had so fucking long ago, like 20 years, i have no idea how that shit stays in ones mind but it did in mine... so once i figure out what the scent reminds me of then my brain goes off on this crazy maze of all these activities that happened when i had said case with me, just shit with my family, playin with my bro and all that jazz.... it was just really fucking cool to have those memories back in my minds eye again......................
so if that wasn't enough the other day i opened a book that i had planned on reading(who am i kidding) but as soon as i did i was knocked over by just the memory of the scent, you know that library smell, not that rotten cheese one that some books had but that stale smell, similar to the taste of "hosts" (if you are or have ever been catholic, you will understand) but it didn't remind me of me in my recent years searching through the library for something i can never find, it shot me back like 15+ years to when i use to hang out at the hockey arena after my game waiting for my brothers to finish, we use to play floor hockey upstairs in this complex and there was a small shitty ass little library there and thats what i was reminded of, the smell of that place..............still a little baffeled by it all, but also amazingly intreagued by it
besides that nothing else new except i bought a turtle, but it died the next day, so i got another one for free and it has lasted like 5 days so i know this muther fucker is a survivor (knock on wood)
and this is in no part saying that i never had it before, or i am just getting over a cold and am in awe of my once forgotten sense, it is just the last few days i have found certain scents that trigger some fucked up path in my head to remember some past memory, example, i have this oil shit that i put over a light to make my house smell good, cuz i smoke, but hate a house that smells like smoke(figure that one out) but anyways i goth this new kind that i just used the other night and for the longest time i was trying to figure out what it reminded me of, it's kinda old smelling so i thought maybe my grandma's perfume or some shit, but i was wrong, all of a sudden it dawned on me, it reminded me of this little plastic doctors bag i had when i was a kid and it use to be filled with random toys, but there was at one time some sort of powder in it and it had exploded so this is the sent that i now am smelling, but this case of sorts, i had so fucking long ago, like 20 years, i have no idea how that shit stays in ones mind but it did in mine... so once i figure out what the scent reminds me of then my brain goes off on this crazy maze of all these activities that happened when i had said case with me, just shit with my family, playin with my bro and all that jazz.... it was just really fucking cool to have those memories back in my minds eye again......................
so if that wasn't enough the other day i opened a book that i had planned on reading(who am i kidding) but as soon as i did i was knocked over by just the memory of the scent, you know that library smell, not that rotten cheese one that some books had but that stale smell, similar to the taste of "hosts" (if you are or have ever been catholic, you will understand) but it didn't remind me of me in my recent years searching through the library for something i can never find, it shot me back like 15+ years to when i use to hang out at the hockey arena after my game waiting for my brothers to finish, we use to play floor hockey upstairs in this complex and there was a small shitty ass little library there and thats what i was reminded of, the smell of that place..............still a little baffeled by it all, but also amazingly intreagued by it
besides that nothing else new except i bought a turtle, but it died the next day, so i got another one for free and it has lasted like 5 days so i know this muther fucker is a survivor (knock on wood)
your face is my toilet paper...
For business right now I'm just trying to set up a HK trade company so that I can grab onto one of the many trading opportunities that have passed by over the several years I've been in China. Just trying to put together the funds while I do some sourcing favors for people I know in the states...mp3s, cell phone stuff, novelty items.