[I wrote a journal in Singapore airport, but my fifteen-minute allotted time on the free internet connection reached an end just as I pressed 'save entry'. It wasn't anything special - just remarks about how the journey was easier than I expected and my admiration for the Qantas stewardesses' 1970s brown dresses covered in boomerangs... I think I'd like to see RoseMarie in one of these...)]
All the guide books will tell you that Adelaide, despite being a large city, has the feel of an overgrown country town. And it's true. Adelaide feels rather like I imagine mid-west cities such as Omaha or Des Moines would feel: there's all this space between the buildings which, although it makes the place kinda big, also gives it a feeling of impermanence, as though the land may reassert itself at any moment...
But there's a lot going on culturally in this city:
Tonight I may go and see Preston School of Industry play and, over the coming month, there are gigs by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Iron & Wine, Mark Kozelek and Thievery Corporation.
There are about five cinemas. Yesterday I went to see Before Sunset (this is what I do in strange towns: I go to the cinema) and sat with a lump in my throat the whole way through. When it ended on an evocation of Nina Simone, it was almost too much for me to bear...
Last night I attended a philosophy reading group that was discussing Theodor Adorno's Negative Dialectics. They got through two paragraphs of the introduction - arf!
So, yeah, I like it and may move here, but, well, they still have to offer me the job yet! The outgoing guy is a body-modded noise theorist and all-round weirdo, so I guess it would be logical to replace him with me, non?
All the guide books will tell you that Adelaide, despite being a large city, has the feel of an overgrown country town. And it's true. Adelaide feels rather like I imagine mid-west cities such as Omaha or Des Moines would feel: there's all this space between the buildings which, although it makes the place kinda big, also gives it a feeling of impermanence, as though the land may reassert itself at any moment...
But there's a lot going on culturally in this city:
Tonight I may go and see Preston School of Industry play and, over the coming month, there are gigs by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Iron & Wine, Mark Kozelek and Thievery Corporation.
There are about five cinemas. Yesterday I went to see Before Sunset (this is what I do in strange towns: I go to the cinema) and sat with a lump in my throat the whole way through. When it ended on an evocation of Nina Simone, it was almost too much for me to bear...
Last night I attended a philosophy reading group that was discussing Theodor Adorno's Negative Dialectics. They got through two paragraphs of the introduction - arf!

So, yeah, I like it and may move here, but, well, they still have to offer me the job yet! The outgoing guy is a body-modded noise theorist and all-round weirdo, so I guess it would be logical to replace him with me, non?

I dragged my better half to Before Sunset while it was still in the theaters here. I was a fan of the first movie and of Linklater in general. This also happened to be when you were in Paris and interspersed with my absolute enjoyment were thoughts of, "I hope Cutriver gets to see this!"