alright, venting time! yes, thats right run away! run away! lol. im so frustrated lately and i dont know what to do about it. sexually frustrated, and no, i dont need your help. well, not in the way your thinking. i love my guy very much. the only problem is, he has had no sex drive for the last... forever! well i guess a couple months, but it feels like forever! lol. it hasnt been months since we've had sex, but its been few and far between. the thing is, he'll lead me on and i think he wants to play, but he doesnt. anyone have any idea what could be causing this? wheres a doctor friend when u need one? lol. the real shitty part is ive been feeling a bit depressed, and i think this may be part of the reason. i feel like im not atractive to him anymore. he says i am, but when he wont even go for a good makeout session with me, its hard to believe him. im sure part of it is my birth control, as it tends to make me a bit crazy emotionally. i cant wait till they come out with the male birth control pill! lol. anywho, if anyones got any advice for me, it would be greatly appreiciated. oh, and im still allowed to go after chicks, so and hot ladies out there who wanna help, hit me up. lol
well, bye for know
well, bye for know
speaking from experience I'd wonder if he is depressed. Outside of that if you've been together for a really long time, it might just be that he's getting kinda bored with the same old thing. If you're in an open he not interested in other people as well, or is it just you? Have you tried bringing another girl in or having him watch? Get him excited about it. My $0.02
hello stranger. I have to admit I didn't think anybody read my posts at all; I was surprised to see a comment. anyway, to answer your question I'm working at a place called Cortez, it's in downtown SF near union square. it's a pretty nice restaurant, for all its internal troubles. if you're in the area you ought to come in for dinner, I'll set you up with some aphrodisiacs with which to tempt your boyfriend (who should snap out of it and see what he's taking for granted, if you ask me).