fuck! one of my wisdom teeth shattered and all that's left of it is a razor sharp shard. shit! i really wish i had insurance. i cannot afford to go to the dentist, but i don't think i have a choice now.
anyone know where poor people go to get their teeth fixed?
ANYWAY! i finally finished the ever so awesome misanthropy mix i've been...
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ANYWAY! i finally finished the ever so awesome misanthropy mix i've been...
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Walk Away by face to face is one of the most awesome songs yu put on that mix too bad they called it quits bummer ine of my favorite bands since like 1991 oh well i believe there is VIVA DEATH now which is Trevor Keiths new thing..I you have not you should check them out...

That is a great list. I have about half of those songs on cd already. I am going to have to download the ones I dont have from the internet.
Institutionalized is one of my favs. I almost got fired from my job because I used crank up that song at work. Or maybe it was the misfits that pissed them off. Either way the end result was that I was banned from the stereo. bastards
Institutionalized is one of my favs. I almost got fired from my job because I used crank up that song at work. Or maybe it was the misfits that pissed them off. Either way the end result was that I was banned from the stereo. bastards
i just finished a great book called "A Massive Swelling: celebrity re-examined as a grotesque crippling disease, and other cultural revelations" by Cintra Wilson. there was one part in the book that made my heart hurt. it goes a little something a-like a-this:
" I was flying back to the United States from Jakarta, and I was listening to some obnoxious young woman, apparently an...
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" I was flying back to the United States from Jakarta, and I was listening to some obnoxious young woman, apparently an...
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I fucking hate people sometimes. No . . . most of the time. But nothing ceases to amaze.
Did you get your psycho boyfriend thingy worked out? Check out my journal. I learned how to deal with that stuff last week so I can point you in the right direction if ya want.
Did you get your psycho boyfriend thingy worked out? Check out my journal. I learned how to deal with that stuff last week so I can point you in the right direction if ya want.

I probably wouldn't be the best screener... my own history with matters of the heart is slightly less then full of good desicion making
Sorry to hear about the show. Here's hoping Tiger Army come back around headlining!!
Re: Where our clothes come from. It bothers me a great deal that most of the clothing we wear comes at the expense of people in third world countries. I try and comfort myself with the fact that most of my clothes are cheap clothing from Kohls (so the fat cats arn't making THAT much off of me...) and my most expensive peice of clothing, my boots, are made in the US (Yeah Corcorans!).

Sorry to hear about the show. Here's hoping Tiger Army come back around headlining!!
Re: Where our clothes come from. It bothers me a great deal that most of the clothing we wear comes at the expense of people in third world countries. I try and comfort myself with the fact that most of my clothes are cheap clothing from Kohls (so the fat cats arn't making THAT much off of me...) and my most expensive peice of clothing, my boots, are made in the US (Yeah Corcorans!).
sorry i still haven't scanned in those pics. this weekend was an SG event involving far too much tequila. still recovering. i should be able to do you some scanny scan tomorrow night though.
up with hope. down with w.
up with hope. down with w.
we MUST go out this week! i call it! any time in the evening i can jet out to mke to hang out and cause some ruckus. my old school mke crew is quite watered down these days. send me a message (email, please to not let "THEM" all know) as what us *single* ladies can do.
kick ass zombie costume! 

Wow. The makeup on the doll outfit is incredible. Beautiful work.

happy halloween..
time to go to work
time to go to work

I had an epiphany last night at work about who I should've been for Halloween. Next year is so far away! Would people think me weird for dressing up for Thanksgiving?
"...unlock my section of the sand
it's fenced off to the water's edge
i clamp a gasmask on my head
on my beach at night
bathe in my moonlight..."
-moon over marin
dead kennedys
god damn i love this song. it STILL gives me chills.*sigh*
last night me and a friend went to target cause i needed staples, but we ended up spending hours running...
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it's fenced off to the water's edge
i clamp a gasmask on my head
on my beach at night
bathe in my moonlight..."
-moon over marin
dead kennedys
god damn i love this song. it STILL gives me chills.*sigh*
last night me and a friend went to target cause i needed staples, but we ended up spending hours running...
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WE will get to finally go out for dancing and whatnot. i'm moving back to milwaukee (well, close to there) soon enough.
Sadly, that's probably the only thing that we have in common..
"you don't love me, you just love my doggystyle"
has anyone ever had a drink called bubble tea? i went to a japanese restaurant and got this drink, it's kind of like a smoothie, but it has these grape-sized THINGS floating in it. they're good, but squishy and weird. i couldn't shake the feeling that i was eating eyeballs.
so, today at work, i was...
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has anyone ever had a drink called bubble tea? i went to a japanese restaurant and got this drink, it's kind of like a smoothie, but it has these grape-sized THINGS floating in it. they're good, but squishy and weird. i couldn't shake the feeling that i was eating eyeballs.
so, today at work, i was...
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I have a friend in her mid-20s who's dating a dude who's pushing 50. They live with his teenage children, one of whom is already in college.
Creeps me out, man. It's worked for them this far, but I have to wonder when he's finally going to get tired of her. Maybe it's love, but in those types of relationships I think it's generally people just playing around.
I'm just 26...but I'd be too shy to hit on you.
[Edited on Sep 21, 2004 1:41PM]
Creeps me out, man. It's worked for them this far, but I have to wonder when he's finally going to get tired of her. Maybe it's love, but in those types of relationships I think it's generally people just playing around.
I'm just 26...but I'd be too shy to hit on you.

[Edited on Sep 21, 2004 1:41PM]
Your rainbrow brite costume is the motherfuckin' bomb. Do you still have it?
I've gotten hit on by older ladies before - it would catch me off guard and I usually stammer like a nerd and find some way to leave or change the subject.
What I find gratifying though is when I catch girls looking at me and checking me out - if they're just looking then it's okay. Then I feel like a demigod of sex. But as soon as they open their mouths to try to get some play that's when I'm like "uuuummmmm, oh, look at the time! I gotta go!"
[Edited on Sep 22, 2004 3:38PM]
I've gotten hit on by older ladies before - it would catch me off guard and I usually stammer like a nerd and find some way to leave or change the subject.

[Edited on Sep 22, 2004 3:38PM]
ancient history
man, i was hangin' out with my ex the other day and he was trying to talk me out of getting my next tattoo. why? well, cause it's gonna be the old bad religion logo (a crossed out cross). but also because "girls shouldn't have too many tattoos". he said i might offend someone by that tattoo. however, i don't give a fuck who i...
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They are some Ramones lyrics in honor of Johnny.
I have to stay away from my ex's (?). They always remind me of why we stopped going out.
I have to stay away from my ex's (?). They always remind me of why we stopped going out.
By the way...

okay. what the hell is up with people that draw on their eyebrows? i mean, it's just gross looking. does anyone think that's hot? didn't that go away with the ring of brown lipliner chicks used to wear? so i guess sex in the shower is out of the question. "my eyebrows are running!". ewwwww....
okay, just had to get that off my chest. i'm...
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okay, just had to get that off my chest. i'm...
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You should go as a Living Dead Doll

Fraggles are the best, the trash heap would be a great costume too!
i don't know if i believe we're born greedy, maybe an inate sence to survive... yeah. but greed is selfish want, even when conscious of the fact your fucking someone over. i think that is the difference between children and my sister... i need to move to a country where i will never hear from her ever... bah humbug...