okay - so I'm gonna break my rule and post some shit when I'm drunk...
I just saw some piece of fucking shit (unfortunately an acquaintance of mine) ex-nazi skinhead motherfucker terrorize this guy half his size for bumping into him and subsequently knocking his beer out of his hand. He was ready to annihilate this poor sad little guy over an ACCIDENT. The little guy was broke and was trying to gather enough money among his (equally small and timid) buddies to buy the idiot another beer coz he was terrified. I stepped in and offered to buy the beer and the macho dickhead gets all up in my face with "last i checked i didn;t need a fucking peacemaker" so I walked away and whispered to the timid guy "be careful, get away from this as quickly as you can" - coz I know what this fucking asshole is capable of... Now I'm kicking myself for not just attacking that motherfucker on principle alone. I didn't help that he had another fucking knuckledragging asshole egging him on.... So frustrating...
I've been bullied by skinheads and thugs my whole fucking life and now that I'm older, bigger and meaner - I may not have to deal with it anymore, but it just fucking kills me to see it happen to someone else.
I take boxing classes as excercise, and I'm to the point where I'm gonna start taking this shit a LOT more seriously. I'm gonna hit the weights TWICE as hard and in 6 months I am going to fucking ANNIHILATE the next neandrathal I see bullying someone - coz it's just fucking WRONG. I abhor unneccesary violence - but that is the only language these fucking retards can speak. You can't reason w/ an abused pit-bull - you just have to put it out of it's misery.
I don't care how much shit you've been through - how hard your life is - how mean your parents were - or "oops i had to much to drink" you are - I AM FUCkING COMING FOR YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! i HATE YOU WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING.
I so regret not breaking a bottle on that piece of fucking human garbage.
I'm going to bed now.
I just saw some piece of fucking shit (unfortunately an acquaintance of mine) ex-nazi skinhead motherfucker terrorize this guy half his size for bumping into him and subsequently knocking his beer out of his hand. He was ready to annihilate this poor sad little guy over an ACCIDENT. The little guy was broke and was trying to gather enough money among his (equally small and timid) buddies to buy the idiot another beer coz he was terrified. I stepped in and offered to buy the beer and the macho dickhead gets all up in my face with "last i checked i didn;t need a fucking peacemaker" so I walked away and whispered to the timid guy "be careful, get away from this as quickly as you can" - coz I know what this fucking asshole is capable of... Now I'm kicking myself for not just attacking that motherfucker on principle alone. I didn't help that he had another fucking knuckledragging asshole egging him on.... So frustrating...
I've been bullied by skinheads and thugs my whole fucking life and now that I'm older, bigger and meaner - I may not have to deal with it anymore, but it just fucking kills me to see it happen to someone else.
I take boxing classes as excercise, and I'm to the point where I'm gonna start taking this shit a LOT more seriously. I'm gonna hit the weights TWICE as hard and in 6 months I am going to fucking ANNIHILATE the next neandrathal I see bullying someone - coz it's just fucking WRONG. I abhor unneccesary violence - but that is the only language these fucking retards can speak. You can't reason w/ an abused pit-bull - you just have to put it out of it's misery.
I don't care how much shit you've been through - how hard your life is - how mean your parents were - or "oops i had to much to drink" you are - I AM FUCkING COMING FOR YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! i HATE YOU WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING.
I so regret not breaking a bottle on that piece of fucking human garbage.
I'm going to bed now.

Like our "President"