walking on legs that are spent and soar.

i saw him again.
i tried to stay away.
he tried to stay away.

we watched bevis and butthead and laughed out loud while drinking cheap beer and smoking dank weed from mexico.
everything i want in a friend
everything i want in a lover
everything i want in an enemy


i used to...
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No, you wouldn't. And the cruel drum of irony bangs on. That said, once you master this concept--and realize the key to life is a detatched appreciation of its preprogrammed contradictions--it's all cake.

In any event, if you truly are feminine caucasian Richard Pryor incarnate, it's all good anyway...

Welcome new friend.
if i were a black man
i 'd be richard prior.

watching viva la bam. that fucking idiot, i can't stop watching him - i must invite him over for tea and crumpets.

so funny, i am gettting into this myspace thing (i am also getting the hang of this site) ... it is funny (arrgh), i'd like to thank all my friends for believing...
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I am excited because a photographer that I adore has asked me to be her stylist of photo shoots. I am making up some bus. cards for myself so I look and feel legit and there is a local store that I am considering submitting my designs to. How fun to see someone walking down the street with my deisgn on. and why not .......
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i am so tired of having my heart riped out and handed to me on a paper plate. for once maybe they could gently remove it while using local anistetics and hand it to me on a silver platter rimed with gold and accented with seedless grapes.
for once can i have a straight answer, one from the heart. one that i know i can...
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shocked EYE was driving to work today and there were some motorcycle cops behind me and EYE was so nervous because EYE think EYE let my insurance expire. Thank the G-man they didn't pull me over - phhewwww !
Wow! your from Kalamazoo! Isn't there a big moped following there?
I love Milan Kundera. How romantic um-kay.
Your party looked fantastic!
i don't know about a 'moped' following but i do know that elvis lives there. he was my neighbor back in 87'. of course he was a fat radio dj who ran the local bike bar. eventually he was fired and thrown on the street but some sap put him in charge of a strip club ... i think it's called deja vu and it's by the airport. yeah so next time your in kalamazoo get out as fast as you can. surreal
la la la la la. la la la la la.
la la la la la la la la la la la

do do do do doooooo



All I've had time to eat today is a small bag of doritos and a coke. I feel like I am on acid !!! puke puke
ooo aaa
Hi Monkeys and Jellyspoons,
My friend got me on this and so I am filling out at the jucy details but I am at work EL SUICIDO LOCO
I promise promise that if anyone is reading this they can come back on Sunday and I will have this bitch all tricked out for ya'll love

Oh the picture? that's me ... I was determined to pick up a glass...
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But can you drink said glass of wine using just your toes?

arrr there mrMiah .... as soon as i get home i am sure gonna try ! thanks for the one up wink