This group is for yoga instructors, yoga enthusiasts, and yoga beginners alike to discuss teaching strategies, courses, retreats, therapeutic yoga, and anything else yoga. Namaste.
Where we seek to better understand the craft of expression. Mod: @Nebula
This group is bigger on the inside than it looks from the of the original or the revival, this is the place for you. Looking to trade internationally? Here's the worldwide Who connection. Join now, or we will EX-TER-MIN-ATE!
All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!
For people who just are generally curious about the sex industry, want to ask questions of members, are doing research/need enlightenment, or a place where both workers and consumers can interact (not on a soliciting level) and promote better awareness and understanding. A place for people to post materials, websites, …
A group for those involved with, practicing, or interested in sustainability, decreased environmental impact, homesteading (urban and otherwise), permaculture, eco villages, food co-ops, or green living.
A group to talk about work! Share your experiences, vent, whatever!
Peace.. Love... Unity... Respect..
A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.