Got back last week from shooting a Walls festival in Honolulu.... it was good to be back home for a bit.

The post-festival crash mixed with homesickness for the island once I got back to CA was bad though 😭

I definitely miss it there, but it was great being back and seeing everyone. The festival was so good, over 40 murals went up across...
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I'm stoked that this summer of record heat, weeks of 105-110 or higher temps are over...

But that also means the slow, cold, and dark weeks are getting closer.

Trying to build up better habits now before those days get here...

-Stepping up workouts again

-Doing larger creative works, whether it's painting or charcoal, sculptural experiments or more involved digital work

-Getting some consistency rather...
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Life comes at ya fast πŸ˜…

Every few days or weeks I think "I should update <social media profile>"
But then there's so much to update... and I put it off
.......and then there's even more to update.

Been thru a winter in NorCal... missing the island bad πŸ˜–but learning to love some things.

I've gotten some opportunities to travel out east again, down south...
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Hesitant to say it, but it looks like things are stabilizing. Still got classes to finish up, some parts of the move to handle, but the worst is over I think. I'll miss Hawaii, but I'm excited for new things. I'll be in California for the next stage things, no idea how it's gonna go or what's gonna happen.... but should be fun.

I'm stoked...
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I wish you well in your new place ❀️

Looking like it's gonna be hectic for a bit... still working on my masters, now having to get a new certification for a job change. That job change is also looking like it'll have me moving to California so that's gonna be new, I've been happy and lucky in Hawaii since 2017 now and while I like change, I'm reluctant to leave my happy place...
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Realized I haven't updated my profile pic in years... I made the old one inspired by Aisling from "Secret of Kells" when I had shoulder-length hair and 5 o'clock shadow to trimmed beard at most... Now I have more of a mohawk and way more beard so it was time for a change πŸ˜…

New one was made more inspired by art of a different...
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Adorei as arte

Made it out to "Window Shopping," a burlesque and drag event late at night on first friday, hosted in an art space in Chinatown πŸ€™ I forgot my good camera, but got some good shots and video on my phone and some polaroids as well :3

This looks fun!
@amoxi It is ^_^ More places should have events like this.  Still going thru my photos from April's event... that glare is not a friend for photography 😭

Got scans done from a camera I salvaged from throwaway pile at a flea market. It's a wind-up half-frame camera, Ricoh auto-half (from the 60s or 70s I think). I love the results