I will update my journal soon, for the few of you who care. I know, the stylized cupcake is getting old.
Latest movie recommendation - The Oprhanage. Spanish horror - the most amazing mix of ultra-creepy and emotionally-beautiful.
Latest book - The Kite Runner - very good, quite well written. I like putting fresh faces to names I only heard on bullshit-propaganda 'news' shows. Can't wait to see the movie.
- crushjunkie -
Latest movie recommendation - The Oprhanage. Spanish horror - the most amazing mix of ultra-creepy and emotionally-beautiful.
Latest book - The Kite Runner - very good, quite well written. I like putting fresh faces to names I only heard on bullshit-propaganda 'news' shows. Can't wait to see the movie.
- crushjunkie -
I'll have to check those out. Good to see you are still around.
i haven't read the book but i liked the movie (kite runner)