Inserting a foley catheter into a 400lb man...
Fortunatly I passed the pleasure of doing this onto the other Tech that was orientating with me today. He had only done one, I have done two. We were given two tasks to split between us the choices were:
A) Insert a Foley Catheter into a 400+ lb man (he didn't know what he weight, yah think!) with Gang Green and MAJOR cellulitis from the knee down in both legs (Cellulitis, think swelling of your limbs due to retained fluid by some unknown cause). His calves were purple from the cellulitis and it took two people to hold his belly back so Mike (the other Tech) could insert the foley.
B) Draw blood from a crazy combative 70 yrd woman.
.... I chose B and didn't get the blood.
As I prepped the womans arm she started to retract it, forcing me to hold her hand down as I stuck her with the other. I hit the vein but once I connected the tube to collect the blood she started flairing her arm. I pulled the needle out, hence the blood that started to leak out of the needle site and me backing off. One thing... She still had the tourniquet on. SHIT! So I put gauze on the needlesite and took the tourniquet off. All the while she is screeming "Wait! Please Wait!" Still flairing her arm wildly. Needless to say I cleaned up the mess and reluctantly went out the room.
The fun and exciting times at the local ER.
So I was told by my friend Britt that this Saturday is the Sin Ball at a local club. Sounds good to me Girls in Corsets and lace... mmmm corsets.... mmmmm. Lace... with most likely NO attraction to me whatsoever. Story of my life.
Is it wrong of me to wonder? Wonder if I'm doing the right thing with my life?
Fortunatly I passed the pleasure of doing this onto the other Tech that was orientating with me today. He had only done one, I have done two. We were given two tasks to split between us the choices were:
A) Insert a Foley Catheter into a 400+ lb man (he didn't know what he weight, yah think!) with Gang Green and MAJOR cellulitis from the knee down in both legs (Cellulitis, think swelling of your limbs due to retained fluid by some unknown cause). His calves were purple from the cellulitis and it took two people to hold his belly back so Mike (the other Tech) could insert the foley.
B) Draw blood from a crazy combative 70 yrd woman.
.... I chose B and didn't get the blood.
As I prepped the womans arm she started to retract it, forcing me to hold her hand down as I stuck her with the other. I hit the vein but once I connected the tube to collect the blood she started flairing her arm. I pulled the needle out, hence the blood that started to leak out of the needle site and me backing off. One thing... She still had the tourniquet on. SHIT! So I put gauze on the needlesite and took the tourniquet off. All the while she is screeming "Wait! Please Wait!" Still flairing her arm wildly. Needless to say I cleaned up the mess and reluctantly went out the room.
The fun and exciting times at the local ER.
So I was told by my friend Britt that this Saturday is the Sin Ball at a local club. Sounds good to me Girls in Corsets and lace... mmmm corsets.... mmmmm. Lace... with most likely NO attraction to me whatsoever. Story of my life.
Is it wrong of me to wonder? Wonder if I'm doing the right thing with my life?
Poor man with gangrene.