So a while back I told my sister that instead of getting me something for my birthday to contribute to my iPod fund. She said she would but today when I got home from work I get a knock at the door from the FedEx man.... to cut to the chase. My sister, mom and brother contributed to get me a 15GB iPod!!!!
So right now I'm feeling the giddy rush of a kid on Christmas morning glaring at his new shiney GI Joe figures. Now hopefully I can clear my 99% filled harddrive and Max out my RAM with some money I'm getting for my birthday.
So someone asked me what I do at work and I decided to explain what I do at my job. I'm a ward secretary in the Emergency Room at the local hospital. I do a bit of everything. I like to describe my job as the "Operator" from the Matrix. I answer the phone, do data entry, convey messages, send specimines down the lab, call doctors, etc. It's the ultimate multi task job. Plus I get to see some freaky stuff. Like yesterday we had someone who OD'ed on his sister's siezure medication. He refused to swallow the charcole so two techs and a nurse had to force it down his throat. I had to work to the sound of muffled screams for a good half hour as he tried to fight them off, if you thought that was bad you should have heard him when they were putting the cath down his penis to get a urine sample. Interesting stuff, huh? I know
Mixing my lovely work stories with me taking Freshman Chemistry at the ripe age of 26.9 years old makes my life pretty entertaining lately. Hopefully one day it will pay off.
So today at work I had a meeting with my Unit Director. I made a data entry mistake
I was discharging a patient and instead of typing N/V (nausia and vomiting), I typed V/D. Venerial Disease
With my VERY bad spelling i'm surprised that I didn't fuck up earlier. Yeah i suck at spelling, live with it
So What is your favorite color?
Favorite comic strip?
So right now I'm feeling the giddy rush of a kid on Christmas morning glaring at his new shiney GI Joe figures. Now hopefully I can clear my 99% filled harddrive and Max out my RAM with some money I'm getting for my birthday.

So someone asked me what I do at work and I decided to explain what I do at my job. I'm a ward secretary in the Emergency Room at the local hospital. I do a bit of everything. I like to describe my job as the "Operator" from the Matrix. I answer the phone, do data entry, convey messages, send specimines down the lab, call doctors, etc. It's the ultimate multi task job. Plus I get to see some freaky stuff. Like yesterday we had someone who OD'ed on his sister's siezure medication. He refused to swallow the charcole so two techs and a nurse had to force it down his throat. I had to work to the sound of muffled screams for a good half hour as he tried to fight them off, if you thought that was bad you should have heard him when they were putting the cath down his penis to get a urine sample. Interesting stuff, huh? I know

So today at work I had a meeting with my Unit Director. I made a data entry mistake

So What is your favorite color?
Favorite comic strip?
Your job sounds really interesting. Did the guy overdose on phenobarb or what? We have to use it at the animal clinic for epileptic pets, and sometimes the owners start using up their rx's too quickly. Junkies!
I'd be pissed if you put down I had a VD!