Another day closer to having to sit in front of a judge and look all respecable like with a exactally does one sit all resectable in front of a judge with a mohawk? Seriously...I don't have a clue...Hell...I haven't seen my kids or ex in that long...none of that am I really proud of but yet a man's gotta work to pay for the kids he never gets to see...and have no money left over...seriously 38 I sacrifice seeing them to support them...I don't see how that is at all a fair deal...yet, I never really expected a fair lot in life...just to live untill it was time to not live any more...when who ever it is that decides those things, decides to say that your time is up...but wishes to those who need them
...and also to those who don't...

one looks respectable by shaving off ones mohawk. We have all had to do it at one time or another, or get a wig, though I think girls are better at getting away with that.....