Tell me this isn't my girlfriend and she tells me that even though she's tired as hell and her feet hurt...she's going to a gay bar to see a co-worker she doesn't even like...meanwhile... I sit at home bored out of my mind...while she is out drinking almost 40 miles from home...I don't like it I tell you I don't like it...all she ever...
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i can cook certain apple pie
Today was a very good day...mostly because I have off straight...I shutter at the thought...the really weird thing is that I love my job...and at least half the people that I work with...some are definatly out there...but so am I so I guess that it doesn't matter then does it...anyway that's all for know...I think I am going to go fake a cigerette...and by...
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14 and a half if only I can double it and then triple it...then I will finally be done with these stupid cigerettes...unfortunately this is not entirely by money equels on cigerettes...kinda a no brainer...but I really need a fuckin cigerette...
God I love SEX!!! Sorry...can't help it...seriously if you knew me you would know...think of it kind of like perverted's true...anyway...sometimes I question intelligent life......not out there some where...but here...some of the smartest people I know I don't know....if the made sence...good for you, you're crazy, too...not that that is a bad thing or any thing...but back to the point...they exist else father...
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I think that I have officially gotten tired of television...the only thing it might be good for is watching porn...but then I guess one would need porn to watch...anyway...
And I'm I think I found the ultimate in of the cousins is an aspiring SG....only seventeen but as soon as she's legal...she wants to...ok now some of you already know that I am one hell of a pervert...and let me tell you, talking with a future SG and having to be good is a very difficult idea...the rest of the family...completely
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what conversation?
So I finally get to take a vacation...first one in about seven's only the weekend...but it's a weekend in nyc...god I love it...haven't been out of state for five years...not even to the jersey shore...but anyway...all my love...and all that jive
Insert intelligent thought here...
getting quite tried of the ex...cna't get a hold of my kids because she won't answer the goddamn phone...all I want is to talk to and see my that so much to ask? Thank god that on tuesday I can finally start to wrap all this up...and with out getting totally screwed...fingers crossed...wish me luck...
ex's can be callous at times. when my parents split up they were pretty amiable. Though now I realize my mother told me lots of things about my dad so I wouldn't get to close to him. Of course all the things she said were true, but you know....
Here is to hoping you don't get screwed on tuesday!!
Here is to hoping you don't get screwed on tuesday!!
So Ernesto has made his presence known in the lehigh's been raining for about 18 hours now...honestly...I don't mind but I'm not allowed to smoke clearly this means I get wet...but anyway...the town's probably under at least a foot of water in some close to the water table...anyway...hope all is well with all those who care...
This is wierd...I havn't talked to my girl in two the past she hasn't given me to much to go on as far as trust the begining I had to share her with her friend w/benifits...bullshitright...but yet I think I was stilll with my ex...but I might not have been I can't remember for I don't even hold that one...but yet I...
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I've been having a block lately...of the writer's veriety...I hate not being able to let out all of the emotion and feeling...but I haven't the word...haven't been able to write anything on my electric either...GOD THIS SUCKS!!!...Anyway hope all is well with who I mean...well I guess you all know who I mean know don't you...