that looks amazing.....wow....
OH! I WANTS A TABLET! Those things are killer... Many a crazy gig poster designed on my old one ^_^

You up for coffee this week? And/or are you attending any of the Valley Fiesta hijinks?

Some years ask, some answer.

It's good to see this weekend opening with such clarity. This has been a surprisingly productive week, for the first week of September anyway. To clarify (and sorry for the overshare, but if I can't talk about it on Suicide Girls, where the hell can I?) if humans go through heat, mine is Spring. Aside from the obvious, everything sort...
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I'm looking forward to seeing your creations biggrin

And it was kewl to see you last night. Sweet hangs ftw!

Thanks mang - and yeah, no problem at all. I can send it via msg, or alternately you could show up for work early again and read the hard copy. tongue

Also, Trogdor = pure win. Still funny after all these years...
With profound efficiency and commitment to isolation.

Quickest way to alienate yourself from everyone you've ever known, friends and family included:

Quit drinking.
Tomorrow is good. I dont finish work till 5 though... Is that ok with you? I only work a 2 min walk from the mall anyways ^_^

Done and done! See you then smile

you have some awesome graffiti in Australia love
I KNEW you'd love Melbourne! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

How's things?

I live in the Valley now. Perhaps it's time we get together again for drinkables or some such outing?

Note to self:

Smoke bombs may not be such a bad idea. Look into how legal/possible they are to obtain.

This week they would have been used primarily as conversation enders.

Example 1:
"So holden or ford?"

Example 2:
"So how do you know [our mutual friend]?"
"Oh, I've been dating her friend [raging misogynist fuckbend] for about 3 months."

Just be aware that posts...
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I seem to have inspiration all around me but I've hit a bit of a creative wall.

My favourite writer is working on a two part Batman story and a photo journal with Amanda Palmer, both of which give me a great, big, artsy nerdgasm. He could pretty much only be more awesome if he had an army of rolling turtles and jumping elephants at...
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The whole thing came out in one 2minute flow.

I was hating, and hate was exactly what I've been needing.

Thanks so much for the words, I love people commenting on my poetry. smile

Do you ... *know* Amanda Palmer.. !? love
Loving your work. (Mind if I use that second pic as a desktop wallpaper?)

PS - 'nerdgasm' is officially my new favourite word.
*creative wank rant*

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that there's a virus going around that attacks creativity.

The seed for this idea was planted by this week's Zero Punctuation video that pointed out that all major upcoming game titles are sequels. Later I looked something up on IGN and noticed the ads in the heading for six upcoming movies:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince...
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I guess it's up to people like you and I to keep the flame of originality alight.

There's just not as much money in original ideas. People seem ready to invest in 'proven' concepts, not new, innovative ones. This makes me sad. I've made it my life's mission to find new and original content. Which means that I usually applaud books and movies that others hate, just because it's got an original idea in it. True originality makes me hot!

So get out there and create something!
Hah, I like how you ended this.

Its up to us to find the cure. Creative Industries powers, activate!
Caution: woe-is-my-lonely-heart content behind spoilers.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I miss knowing the type of girl who made me want to get out of bed in the morning in case I chanced past her in the street.

K, glad that's out of the way.

Today marks a week and a day without drinking, I've written about 3000 words and I'm a few inkings shy of...
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Serious talent my friend. I can't help but feel the Full Metal Jacket influence.

"This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless."

I fracking love that movie, ergo I fracking love your art.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I thought you'd want to know, since you're submitting these, that you have a typo on Amber-Jane's profile. "to precious to even load them" should read "too precious to even load them".

Are you free tomorrow afternoon for coffee goodness? I finish work at 3

When I was in primary school I was a gun at maths. Could have told you my times tables backwards. Then high school came along and all the maths I was good at was handled on a calculator. I only stopped failing senior school maths when I gave up the notion of learning anything, and just programed every formula and it's application into my calculator....
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Haha... oh I shouldn't laugh. I'm a high school teacher (NOT maths) and I had to keep reading before I knew the answer. Funny this is, I was exactly the same. My grade 5-7 teacher was so good that I was on a grade 9-10 level maths before I entered high school and by the time high school caught up I'd forgotten everything and just gave up.

Good luck with the comic-ing! Post a link or something if you have any online.
Oh Awesome! Congrats!
Will we get to read it?

I could personify your corrupt detective like nobody's business!

And I think the work you're looking for might be 'handler'...
I don't have pets, I have a plant. It's a white rose bush and a vigilant thing too. It's survived level 6 water restrictions and a neglectful owner. This week it's had its first rose in bloom for months, until this morning anyway.

I hope whoever picked it gave it to somebody they cherish, or felt their own worth through it. I'd like to think...
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I hope so too. On the other hand, it's a little heartless to come and nick the single rose on someone else's bush...